It's Always the Gym Teacher - Chapter 2

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It's Always the Gym Teacher - Chapter 2

Suddenly, the voices outside my office got louder and louder. Then lockers started clanging open.

"Did you hear about Mr.Hudgins?" a deep voice said. I could tell he was just outside the wall.

"I heard he had had enough with those rowdy boys" another voice said impersonating the voice of an older man.

"I heard he had a heart attack after the last trick we played on him." another boy said with a chuckle.

"I heard he got pregnant." with that everyone got quiet. After a second of silence they all burst out laughing.

"I thought he died?" one boy said like a question.

"No guys," the first voice said "I was just going to say he retired. I mean he was so fucking old! Like 82! I don't know how the school let him work for that long." this put all the guys into another fit of laughter.

"So who's our new coach Jake?" another voice asked.

"The office said it was Coach Cason. Whoever that is. We could always break into the office and see." the first voice from earlier, that I now knew as Jake, replied. The boys decided against it.

After that so many conversations were going on they meshed together. I spun around in my chair and opened my teachers manual. The first page was a schedule. I had two classes in the morning, then lunch, and then another class. All of them were only an hour and a half except the first which was 2 hours. This wasn't going to be too hard. I flipped the page and looked down. The last coach left notes about each class. Most of them said simple things like -listens well, but watch for kids sneaking behind the bleachers to make out. Then my gaze fell on 2nd block - first class. This was the class I was about to teach. I read over the words over and over seeing if I read it right.

'This class is extremely irresponsible. They will play pranks and trick you as often as possible. However, they are also the football team. Yes, the whole football team is in a single class. It was the principles bright idea. This is also why it is an extended class period. You will work with them during this time on the same curriculum as the general classes. After school everyday, a 2 hour practice will be held from 3:30 - 5:30.You must teach these boys you are in control. Otherwise, the year will be a very difficult one.'

I blinked a few times taking it in. I was their football coach.

AWESOME! I heard the bell for them to exit the locker rooms ring and I got up from my seat. As I heard them start to exit I glanced down. I was in simple black basketball shorts with pink trim and a black tank top. Of course the tank top straps had to be 3 fingers width for me to wear it. I ripped the attendance sheet out of the notebook and listened as the student started to leave.

When the noise died down completely, I peeked out making sure the coast was clear. When I saw no one was there, I walked out of the locker rooms and into the gym.

I wonder what they'll think of a girl coach. I thought. I don't have to wait long. Suddenly a pair of *cough-amazing-cough* green eyes were looking at me.

I waved and laughed softly as I walked up to the boys. Once in front of them I turned and faced them. Slowly, they all turned to face me.

"Hey sweet cheeks! I think you have the wrong class." one boy yelled while smirking and letting his eyes roam my body. I looked over the boys and found my brother. I smirked at him while he just stared wide eyed. I didn't know he was in this class.

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