Chapter 1

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"Run!" That's all I could think. I was being chased. This kind of thing wasn't the slightest bit new to me. It happens on a daily basis, I wake up, go to school, fail at everything then as I'm about to leave for home, I get noticed.

I'm what one might call an easy target. I'm small, not very muscular, and I am everything that one might classify as a nerd (well except the fact I am horrible at my studies.). So you see me being an easy target means I am the victim to bullying.

Every day, I am hit and kicked on, spat at, and called a Faggot or gay. I don't tell any, as I have no friends. I don't dare tell my mum because I would hate to have to add one more problem to her list. She is a single mother of 5 kids. She works two jobs. One at a bakery, and the other at a hospital.

"You idiot, don't just stand there run!" My body told me, this time I obeyed. I took off running, as fast as my tiny figure allowed me to. I have to admit I should go outside more, I must spend way to much time on tumblr, and quite frankly I think it is showing.

I made it about a block away from the school before stopped running, checking behind me to see if they were behind me. Ever since I moved here in the 9th grade they have been all up on me.

At first it was just name calling, the usual thing most new kids go through. The next year the stepped it up a bit. They started pushing around, into locker and walls. This year they have turned very abusive. Hitting, kicking, and spitting.

I looked around and saw they were no where in sight. I let out a breath I had no idea I was holding, and started on my way home before Chris, Pj, and Phil could catch up to me.  

It didn't take me long to get home, as I speed walked the whole way home. I was afraid they would find me. As I walked up to my house I noticed my mum wasn't home yet, as usual. I went in side of the small house and put my bang on the table.

I walked into the living room, that's where Sky (11), James (7), Justice (6), and Faye (14): always chilled Until me or mum got home. I guess they heard me enter the room because one minute they were glued to the tv the next th he were all hugging me saying they missed me.

I really love my family. They are everything I could ever ask for. I have 3 beautiful sister's and one 'manly' brother. We always had great times together. Never a dull moment in our house.

Normally I was home with the kids, my siblings, for about 6 hours before mum got home. I would cook, get the little ones cleaned up, and off to bed so when mum got home I have here her meal and let her rest.

When mum finally returned home, I gave here her meal and headed into my room. I was alway so relieved to be in my room every night. It was the only place I never had to be tough and strong.

As soon as I slipped into room I closed the door and just started crying. I let everything out. "What did I ever do to deserve to be bullied every day?" Nothing I could think of. "Why me?" I questioned as I looked down at my lap.

My arms suddenly have an unfathomable urge to be cut. I can't give in to the urge I promised Faye!

*flash back*

Another day of being hit and kicked around! "I've had it! I never did anything wrong to that jerk named phil!" I ran up to my room desperate to feel pain, to punish myself for being so weak.

I searched my room looking for my blades, finally I found one. I rolled sleeve up and pressed the cool metal to my skin. I made about three cut before I heard a gasp. It was Faye. "F-Faye? I-I"m so s-s-sorry!" I said breaking into tears. She may only be 14 but she is very smart. She ran up to me hugging me and saying it would be alright.

*end of flash back*

Ever since then I promised, I wouldn't.. but could I really keep that promise? Can I do it?

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