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"I've won every battle, but I'm losing this war." - Robb Stark, Game of Thrones.

A/N: Updated on 7/08/23 (slight changes)

Year: 126ac

Location: Driftmark

Dralarys had woken up early before the sun had risen to attend to Valgan's needs. Valgan had smelt like the sea. It was obvious he had gone hunting for sharks since he had a couple of their teeth stuck between his. Dralarys pulls them out with ease, tossing them off to the size.

"Are you happy with me, Valgan?" Dralarys says to him while looking at him, now that she was done with removing the extra teeth he had. Tears gathered around her eyes, having to overthink of everything that's ever happened to her. The Kings unwanted daughter having to be forced to live in Winterfell. Cregan Stark's unexpected marriage with Arra, a long time friend since his childhood. "Will you leave me... just as they have?" Voice cracks, now feeling defeated.

Valgan huffs having to lick her. Dralarys chuckles, having to place her arms around his nose.

There was a time where he was just small enough for her to pick him up with one hand. The followed by being placed on her shoulder. Teaching him how to use his wings to glide down the roof and then get a running start to fly as high as he could.

A bond so unspoken and unbreakable that it was as if at times Valgan knew what Dralarys was thinking.

Upon her return back to the castle, guards of the castle escorted her to The Great Hall to meet all of her family. All of them.

Dralarys had always worn tight Stark leather attire like a man. She never really liked wearing girl clothing to being with. A mans had better mobility. Plus... she liked the pants.

Daemon was the first to walk up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Together they walked towards two girls. "Dralarys... I'd like you to meet your cousins. Baela and Rhaena."

Baela and Rhaena bowed their heads to her.

Dralarys had done the same.

There could not have been a worse time to introduce them. They had just lost their mothers not long ago.

"Thank you... for... inviting me." Dralarys mustered out.

Although Daemon was the one who invited her, Baela and Rhaena lightly smiled at her.

Rhaenyra had walked towards her. Alicent Hightower and Ser Criston Cole watched how close Rhaenyra was getting towards Daemon. Dralarys eyes Rhaenyra. "My..." Rhaenyra whispered out, not believing that Dralarys had grown this much, just as tall as her. "...are you well? How was your arrival yesterday?" She said while beginning to take her over to meet her sons.

Dralarys nods. "A pleasant one." This moment felt unreal. One moment she was in a battle. The next she's reuniting with people that called themselves family at a funeral. "How was yours?" Try. Just try to make a connection was all Dralarys wanted.

"The winds were kind to us." She nods, now meeting up with her sons. Two small children, nearly the ages of Alicent's sons. Brown Haired. Brown eyes. They reminded her of her friend Brandeth back in Winterfell as if they could have been relatives to him. The details of their facial structure was almost too alike. "Jacaerys, Lucerys, I'd like you to meet my sister. Your aunt. Dralarys Targaryen." Dralarys was not fond of her last name. A name that held no meaning to her alone except for Stark. But today... she will bare it.

"Hello." Lucerys was the first to shake hands with her.

"Hi." Dralarys whispers to him, kneeling on one knee due to their high difference. "Cold, are we?" Alicent and Ser Criston were observant of this conversation. Targaryens are naturally warm-blooded.

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