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Later That Evening

"What the actual..."

"Please don't freak out, I'm as confused as you are!"

A scene of Kouta attempting to explain everything he knew to a flabbergasted Kai, who couldn't help but stare at the real-life Sackboy before him.

"In short, I was accidentally transported to this world, when I was supposed to meet with Kouta in mine... Would you stop poking me, good grief!"

"I'm sorry I can't help it! I know you're a ragdoll, but I didn't expect you to be as tall as the palm of my hand!"

"Well, what were you expecting?"

"Sackboy's got a point, any size larger than this wouldn't make sense. He's about the right size to be standing behind a Dualshock 3."

"Does Charlotte know yet?"

"I've tried contacting her, but she hasn't read my texts. I guess she's too occupied with important assignments to check her phone."

"Texts? Bro, call her!"

"What, are you crazy? I can't just do that!"

"Yeah, you're right. Sackboy, call her!"

"Yeah sure, hand me the phone."

"Absolutely not! Give me that!" Kouta panted in exhaustion. All this bickering was pointless, so he took it upon himself to call Charlotte himself. He just prayed he wasn't inconveniencing her at a time this late. The phone rang, while Kai and Sackboy waited and watched in anticipation.

"Have you two got nothing else better to do?!"

"Matter of fact, no. This is literally the next part of the plan."

"Whatever Sackboy says, goes, bro."

"Do not encourage him!"

The phone connected, and a mature feminine voice could be heard from the other end.

"Hello? Kouta?"

"A-Ah, hi Char! I hope I'm not inconveniencing you..."

"No, not at all! I'm sorry if I haven't been responding to your texts; there's a few assignments I've had my hands full of the past few days."

"I understand. I'm really proud of you for working so hard, Char."

"Would you two start going out already?!" Kai butted in their conversation. He always made it his goal to tease Kouta whenever the opportunity presented itself.

"K-Kai shut up!"

"Aww Kai's there too? Hi Kai!"

"And a good evening to you too, Miss Busy Bee. Kouta and I have been meaning to ask for you to come over, even if it's for five minutes! What do ya say?"

There was an awkward silence for a few moments. Kouta, Kai and Sackboy wondered if the call didn't disconnect by accident.

"Char, you there?"

"O-Oh yes! Uhm... I... don't know. These assignments are..."

"Assignments this, assignments that, would you get over here already, Busy Bee! You wouldn't wanna make Kouta sad now, would you?"

"Would you stop that? Oh my God!"

There was another pause. At this point they'd be satisfied with any answer.

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