Little special (will edit it)

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In one of the old, rotten and almost completely torn apart sides of the building, there, Leia walked. Her footsteps barely making a sound on the crumbled floor, a clock which time it had captured in itself forever stood gloomily over one room which once for certain had been filled with chidish laughs and teachers shouts. That part of the building only Leia and some of the really aged personnel knew about. It was once a school, a grand one. The girl had been surprised upon the discover of this when she was to be moved to the hospital that was build right next to it. The educational facility though, as many other around the small town, had been closed down after all it's students left to chase dreams in the big city. Feeling a tad bit of sympathy, the director of the hospital decided to took on the building and make it into hopsital rooms for patients to reside in, ones which friend in the name of the truth, "death", has been near. They thought it will bring peace to the mind of the people, allowing them to reminiscence about the long gone days, ones which Leia never got to live. So when the hospital which was also once full became only half of it's size and long forgot about the building next to it, Leia was the only one to cherish it. To go there whenever she could and run as much as she could through the corridors.
The first days of Annie's employment, she was dragged with the little girl to the hallway with an odd request - "Annie! Please, shout at me to slow down and that classes have yet to begin!". Who could say no to such wishful words sounded out by a little, painfully sick, but surprisingly cheerful girl?
Annie played along being the teacher and even when they had to go back for Leia's check ups she'd continue with her role, saying that Leia just had to visit the nurse for recklessly running around.

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