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Diego slowly parked outside the precinct and turned off the engine. "I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record. We gotta get our hands on this file." He said

"Oh and there i was wondering what will we do" The girl said sarcastically still feeling weird about what five was hiding.
"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it" Allison asked as she turned to see the precinct

"I know the station like the back of my hand, sis. I've spent a lot of time inside." Diego said looking in front of him
"Handcuffed?" Katerina asked as the woman beside her nodded

"Whatever." Diego said ending the conversation. "Here's the plan" he started but five interrupted him
"Plan? I'm just going to blink in and get the file" he said simply.
"In your condition? You wish" the girl behind him kicked his chair as he scoffed .

"No, that's not.." The man sighed "You don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"
"I literally just did this yesterday." Five said before realizing they didn't understand
"What?" Diego said confused
"Mines and Katerinas yesterday, not your yesterday." He said looking away. "It will take me two seconds"

"Listen to me. You are not going in there." Diego spoke the same time as five
"Why don't I just go?" The boy asked
"You know" Katerina raised her voice gaining the boys attention "I could have gone inside and fetch it for you while you were bickering"

"No! Okay no!" Diego said turning his body to face everyone. "I made a call. That's what a leader does. He leads." Katerina and Allison rolled their eyes

"I'm going in" The man said as he exited the car going in an alley.
"Okey I'm leaving" The girl said as soon as Diego left and she opened the door. Soon after they others followed. Allison went to make a call as five and Katerina leaned against a wall.

"Are you going to tell me what's up?" The girl asked.
"Nope." Five smirked popping the p causing the girl to roll her eyes at his behavior. "You're an idiot"The boy quickly leaned in and kissed her lips making her smile."And yet you still love me" he said as Diego came.

"So?" Five asked looking at his brother.
"You're welcome." Diego said holding a file. Five went to grab it but Diego extended his arm. Allison quickly rolled her eyes and grabbed the file making Diego turn and give her a look before turning back to five and smirking.

The girl was quickly by Allison side watching her flip the pages till they saw a familiar face
"Hey, I have seen him before" Katerina said as Allison looked at the picture."Holy shit" she exclaimed.

"What?" Diego asked. "Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody." Allison said turning the page as she showed the picture.
"Who?" Five asked confused
"Vanyas boyfriend" Katerina explained.
"Oh shit" Both Diego and Five sighed.

"Let's go people" Katerina said as they all walked back to the car driving off.

"So.." the girl started " how could you be so stupid and not do research on your sisters boyfriend. I mean I met him once I got bad vibes"
"Oh okay." Allison sighed "You don't know what it is like" she said looking out the window
"I do actually. I have a sister" Katerina said

"You do?" Five asked confused. Clearly he didn't expect the Handler to adopt one child but two?
"Mhm" she hummed. "And I would search the fuck out of every guy she dates"

"Well I did" Allison admitted looking at her lap "but nothing came up. Nada" she said as Katerina laughed at her disappointment.
"Enough chitchat. We are here" Diego said as everyone got out of car.

"Be careful, okay?We don't know what Peabody's capable of." Allison said as they approached the house.
"Uhm Jenkins" Katerina corrected her

"Whatever his name is he didn't seem dangerous when I first saw him" Diego said "Looked kinda scrawny to be honest"
"You know who else said that?" The girl asked making Diego turn confused. "Every fucking victim of a serial killer or a mass murderer"she finished as the man rolled his eyes at her continuing his way to the house

"She's right you know" Allison backed the girl up "I mean look at them" she said pointing at the teens
"Geez thanks" Five said rolling his eyes.

"Good point. So what's this guy want with Vanya?" Diego asked the others as Allison left on her own to go in by the back door which was unlocked
"I don't know.How about we ask him after we kill him?" Five said as he limped behind Diego.

"Woah Woah hey hey" he said as he stopped in front of the door " look I'm gonna burst through-"he stopped once he realised his sister was not with them anymore. "You know what? It would be nice for people just to stick to-"He was interrupted when five blinked annoyed inside. "The plan" he finished

"At least you're here" he said looking at the girl who was biting her laugh "Great. Stay back" He said as he stormed and broke the glass on the door with his body. However he failed to land and just fell to the ground.

This time the girl couldn't hold her laugh.
"Settle" Allison said as she came into the scene. Katerina walked towards the door and pushed it open. "You know the door was unlocked"

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine." Diego groaned as he stood up. "Spread out. Yell if you, uh...you know, you're in trouble." He sighed leaving to search the kitchen.
"Ah, inspiring leadership." Five said
"One of the greatest" Allison replied
"What would we do without him" Katerina finished before they all went their separate way.

"Oi" Katerina said as her and Five went to the living room "Are you okey? You are limping and wincing and-" she gasped as she realised "Holy shit were you shot?"
"What!? No! No" Five said moving away from her. "I'm fine I just hit my leg on the way here" He lied

However Allison voice interrupted the girl
"Guys, you need to see this." She said.
"This is not over!" Katerina said looking at five who was smirking as if he won the fight.

"All our faces are burnt off" Allison said looking at the pictures of them who were now destroyed.
"Yeah no shit" Katerina said
"Well, that's not creepy" Diego said sarcastically "This guy's got some serious issues."
"Shit" Both boys said

"Five I don't want to worry you, but there is literally blood coming down your shorts." Katerina whispered as five looked down to see blood on his knee.
"This was never about Vanya.This was about us" Allison said finally realizing.

Five gasped as he fell to the ground making the three turned concerned.
"Five!" Allison gasped as they kneeled by his side "what blood?" She asked confused

"Hurt my leg my ass" Katerina mumbled as she quickly pulled his vest and shirt to see the wound
"Geez at least buy me dinner first" Five joked but regretted it soon after as he was in pain.

Finally the girl was able to pull his shirt only to be faced with a very bad and polluted wound.
"Jesus Five" Diego said as blood came out of his wound "why didn't you say anything"
"You have to keep going." Five whispered "so close"

"Boy shut your mouth" Katerina said as she pressed the wound to stop the bleeding.
"Five!" Allison said as he closed his eye "Five!" She said again slapping slightly his face but getting no response back.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go people" Katerina said as Diego picked the boy up and they made their ways downstairs into the car.
"Drive!" Katerina yelled now concerned as fives breathing slowed down.

Diego started driving. Allison was in the passenger seat as five laid in the back seats,his head in Katerina's lap.
"Five if you die on I swear I'm going to kill you" she said as five opened his eyes for a bit.
"Yeah.. good luck with that" he said closing his eyes again as the girls heart skipped a beat.
"DRIVE FASTER!" She yelled at Diego as he sped up.

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