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Katerina stumbled away from five.
"God, you have to stop doing that" she said. Five shook his head " stop being dramatic. Stay here" he said leaving.

Katerina stared at the picture of five in the wall. He looked young. Five blinked next to her, making her jump. "Come on" he said and blinked them to his room.

"What are you-"
"Five?" Vanyas voice was heard from downstairs. Katerinas eyes widen as Five quickly pushed her in his bed, laying the covers over her, making it seem like she is asleep. He quickly went and stood by his window just as Vanya appeared on the doorframe.

"Oh, thank god. I was worried sick for you " she said as she spot him. He turned around "sorry I left without saying goodbye" he said.

She looked around spotting Katerina on the bed. Fives eyes followed hers " she's asleep." He simply said and Vanya nodded. He walked towards his sister

"No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry. Yeah, I was dismissive, and... I-I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying. And I still can't, to be honest." She admitted.
" Maybe you were right to be dismissive." Five said and start acting, trying to get Vanya to leave. "Maybe it wasn't real after all. It felt real. Well... like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind." He paced around the room giving Vanya a small smile.

"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to." Vanya said "Look, I used to see someone. A therapist. I could give you her information."

Katerina silent laughed under the covers, thinking how five face was when he heard the world therapist.
He sighs "thanks but, i think I'm gonna get some rest. It's been a long time since I had a good sleep." he said looking at the bed.

"Okay" Vanya said leaving. As soon as the footsteps went faint the closet opened and Klaus appeared. Katerina stood up and laughed at his choice of outfit. Five went towards the door.

"That's so... touching" Items were falling to the ground , creating noise. Katerina laughed at fives face. " all that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!"

"Will you shut up, she will hear you" five snapped.
"I'm moist" klaus said as he approached Katerina.
"Hey I know you" Katerinas eyes widen. "You're my ex look alike" she relaxed. Five rolled his eyes. "What are two doing together" klaus asked his brother with a grin. The boy shook his head.

"I don't have time for this" he looked up and down at Klaus. "I told you to put on something professional."
"What? This is my nicest outfit" Klaus pouted as Katerina laughed quietly.

Five sighs. " we will raid the old mans closet" he said leaving, Klaus and Katerina following him.

"Whatever as long as I get paid"
"When the job is done" five said.
"I wanna be paid too" Katerina complained.

Klaus stopped five. "Okay, but just so we're clear on the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?" He summed up.

"Yeah something like that" the girl said walking next to five.
"What's our cover story?" Klaus said.
"What? What are you talking about?" Five looked at his brother confused.
"I mean, was I really young when I had you? Like, 16? Like, young and terribly misguided?" He placed his hand in his heart.

"Sure" Katerina said nodding her head.
"Oh wait no. You're his girlfriend" Klaus said pointing at Five.

"Whatever. Let's go" five said annoyed wanting to leave.
"Your mother, that slut. Whoever she was. We met at...the disco." He chuckled "Okay? Remember that."

Five looked unamused at his brother. Klaus clicked his fingers "oh my god the sex was amaaaazing" he said.

"What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain." Five said as he turned to leave.

Twisted love | FIVE HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now