Chapter two

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Starter teams POV:

After they found a abandoned kingdom the three were deciding what to do next until they heard a sugar gnome panic about the cakes in the forest so they went their very way to take care of the cake hounds in the forest after taking care of said cake hounds they got a cookie cutter but the three doesn't know what the cookie cutter is or what it does so they asked the sugar gnomes who told them they could summon cookies from the oven so wizard decided to use it and summons chili pepper commotion begins until a sugar gnome came in fear of what it had seen everyone goes to where the sugar gnome is talking about and sees licorice along with his goons looking for the kingdom's treasure, gets busted and loses not only the cake hound but the crown too while the others chased it. Not really getting far. Because they also lost the cake hound with the crown. While also meeting custard cookie the third and continued exploring.

GingerBrave X wizard cookie but its an AUWhere stories live. Discover now