Chapter 3 🫠

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3rd person pov because ._.

(The ✨first✨ meet)

The starter team heads over to the tainted forest where they encounter the cookies of darkness however wizard couldn't help but be distracted by one member in particular...

Gingerbrave had also given wizard a look and winked at him which made wizard blush harder. Despite that the starter team still won.

While on the way back wizard couldn't help but think about gingerbrave. Wait why is he thinking about him! They're enemies they can't be inlove with each other!

That'd be forbidden! Even if he managed to keep it secret he'd be in massive trouble if he got caught!..

Still the tiny mage got so lost in thought he didn't notice the others stopping and staring at him until.. He heard alchemist snapping her fingers with annoyance and getting his attention

Alchemist: can you not zone off? We still have to go back to the kingdom ya know!

Wizard: okay okay! Geez I'm going!

The five go back to the kingdom however wizard still thought of gingerbrave every step of the way no matter how many times he tried to focus on something else. Something about that guy.. caused a hecks spell on him or something.. Yeah must've been a spell can't be anything else...

After finally returning to the kingdom wizard just went to his tower to be with himself. He decided to do some spells to distract himself and well... It didn't really end well

so he just decided to read a little to stop those thoughts which didn't help either.

After a week he wizard just went to the forest and decided to just take a walk there to just clear his thoughts he didn't know how far he was until the sun had began setting and he just realized he was lost while this couldn't be any good he decided to try and get out of the forest he got lost in. And upon now realizing he was just going in circles. He just facepalmed himself and just leaned up a tree until he heard someone.

Wizard: who's here! Show yourself!

An cookie came out of the bushes.

GingerBrave: calm yourself.. You're lost aren't you?

Wizard:.... Yes how did you- wait a minute-

GingerBrave: i know how to get you back to your kingdom and no im not planning to do anything to you. Just follow me.

The two start heading over and had an conversation with eachother until the two finally got to the kingdom and wizard bids gingerbrave farewell while gingerbrave does the same. 

GingerBrave X wizard cookie but its an AUWhere stories live. Discover now