I Miss You, I'm Sorry

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7th of April 2023

The crowd cheered as the second to last song of the evening finished. Morgan stood in the back, admiring the girl she once knew look out at the crowd with the biggest grin.

"Thank you, oh my god..." Gracie laughs to herself as she fully takes in the applause she was receiving. Morgan noticed her eyes twinkle with a joy she once caused before it all came tumbling down.

They hadn't seen each other in years, but Gracie was still wearing one of Morgan's old shirts. It was one she accidentally packed when leaving Morgan that fateful morning.

'She probably picked it up by mistake, since I never found it after she left. She probably doesn't even remember whose it is...' Morgan thought to herself as the crowd finally calms down and Gracie starts talking again.

"Thank you so much for coming out tonight it means the world! Unfortunately this will be the last song of the night. This is 'I Miss You, I'm Sorry'" Gracie announces through the microphone that was attached on top of the piano. She starts playing the song effortlessly on the piano, bringing Morgan back to when she used to play for her.

"Do you remember happy together?... I do, don't you?..." Gracie starts off the one song she had been regretting to play all night. The one song she wrote for Morgan once she left.

As soon as she left she immediately wanted to turn around and fix it. She didn't want to let you go. She tried, but you didn't let her.

"Thought you'd hate me, but instead you called and said, 'I miss you'... I caught it" Gracie sings lightly, feeling the back of her eyes burn and a tightness in her throat as she turns to look at the crowd. Only to find Morgan stood in the corner.

Her voice wobbled as she sings the next lines, turning away from where Morgan stood. She squeezes her eyes shut and keeps singing the rest of the verse before turning back to Morgan and starts singing the chorus with as much power as she could. Hoping Morgan would hear her deeper meaning into the lyrics.

"You said, "Forever, " and I almost bought it,
I miss fighting in your old apartment,
Breaking dishes when you're disappointed,
I still love you... I promise,
Nothing happened in the way I wanted,
Every corner of this house is haunted,
And I know you said that we're not talking,
But I miss you... I'm sorry"

Morgan held their breath slightly as she locks eye contact with Gracie. Morgan felt a tear roll down the side of her face as she recalls the break-up from a few years prior...

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