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y/n pov:

chris and i held hands until we got to his front door. "bye y/n"
"bye chris" i smiled at him and he smiled back. i tiptoed into nick's room and he was fast asleep. i decided to facetime chase.

"hey chase"
"hey y/n"
"i have something to tell you"
"me too"
"um okay.. you go first"
"alright so we are not going to move to orlando anymore i'm thinking palm springs what if we run into kris jenner?"
"oh and go and raid her massive pantry"
"we could even be featured in one of the episodes"
"what if she thinks we are amazing goofy people?"
"she would invite us back!"
"we would have the best life ever!"
"yes y/n also we-"
"no! i'm getting distracted. i'm dating chris"
"chris bailey from literature?"
"no chris sturniolo"
"MY FUCKING BROTHER?!" nick shouted.
"oh shit you're in nick's room?"
"y/n you're dating my brother since when?! i thought you were anti-chris"
"oh shit"
"bye y/n"
"bye chase. i guess"

"how about we emergency meeting this in the morning nick i'm tired"
"fine. but i will not hesitate to invite everyone tomorrow morning for a meeting"
"you do that nick"

matt pov:

wanna know how my morning went for the bonus chapter? okay it was so good. i woke up refreshed i had aunt sav's amazing breakfast got to school and chilled. I LIED! IT WAS THE MOST HETIC MORNING EVER!

i was resting peacefully until nick abused me with pillows and this was going on for like 15 minutes until madi pushed him off. it was fucking 7am in the morning why was madi here. "get up matty b emergency meeting at y/n's house"
i mean i did get ready mainly because i wasn't ready to get abused by pillows again..

the whole gang was here, alahna, chase, skai, nathan, pierre (y/n's french cousin that i don't even know why he is here) and even vinnie... "okay what is this. did someone die?"
chris and y/n entered the house at the same time and had the same face i had. "pierre?" y/n called out.
"vinnie?" chris questioned angrily.
"take a seat on the carpet over there" nick instructed. we were all on the couch while them two were on the carpet.
"so guys you must be so confused why i've gathered you guys here today. first off, pierre is here because i read y/n's messages this morning and the whole group is here because something has happened. matt around 9pm yesterday what did you see?"
everyone stared at me even y/n. "i uh. i saw y/n and chris leaving the house but i assumed it was coincidental"
"coincidental my ass" nick added.
"still haven't explained why i'm in the same room as madi" alahna said.
"i've tried to be nice to you i don't know what you want from me"
"you were just a temporary friend to fill in me. i'm here now you can leave the door's open."
"STOP!" y/n shouted.
"i'm sick and tired of hearing you guys bicker, you guys don't even know each other. you guys are so much alike than you think stop hating on each other! and to quicken this meeting. i'm dating chris and no not chris bailey from fucking literature. chris fucking sturniolo." y/n sat down and started shaking. chris pulled her into a hug and they hugged each other.
"am i dick for making it a big deal?" nick said quietly.
"no, you are amazing for making a big deal. do you know why?" skai questioned
"no i do not that's why i asked am i a dick"
"okay but can you let me finish"
"but you were asking me something stupid"
"you are stupid"
"no you are stupid"
"can you guys just shut up and get to it" madi and alahna said at the same time. then they looked at each other. "maybe we do have  some things in common. and i low-key want to try out a friendship"
"me too. low-key though" madi added.
"i'm sorry madi"
"i'm sorry to alahna."

"i am so lost, so many things are going at once. who is dating who?"
"chris is dating y/n, vinnie."
"hope he enjoys my left-overs"
"oh no he didn't." pierre shouted.
"oh yes i did"
"y/n can i beat him up this once"
"yeah. yes you can nathan"
"what i'm about to do is for being with my girl and messing with my sister"

nathan stomped on the ground and vinnie flinched and ran out of the house. we all laughed. aunt sav eventually came in with a full english breakfast. we were all happy. y/n and chris were together. skai was hitting up on pierre. chase and nick were arguing about something stupid. madi and alahna were vibing it was a special moment. a special moment for a bonus chapter.

Nick made a new group.

"The perfect group of friendz"

(Knickers, Chriz, Chriz's wife🤢, Paw Patrol, Pee-air, Sky, Euphoria, Alan, Bernard)

why does everyone get a decent name and i get bernard

Chriz's wife🤢
omg my name ew

hey mama

Chriz's wife🤢
hey donut

and ytf is my name alan?

Paw Patrol
ytf not?
my name tho 😍

pee-air really?

my name is the best 💕💕

that's because you abused me for your name!

i could never 🙄

let's all be fr and know mine acc matches my name 😂💀

Chriz's wife🤢
Replying to Alan
: donut?
Chris=Krispy Kreme=Donut




some people were like oh this book is so good pls make a pt.2 and really idk tf i would put in book 2 so i decided to make a bonus chapter where everyone is chill.vinnie really said "bye!" lmao. anyways really guys thanks for 28k reads, i posted the first chapter of DC TITANS please check it out. it's the greatest crossover of marvel to dc (even though marvel is better) of all time.

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