Chapter 6

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Wall-E follows the transporter towards an elevator guarded by a robot pressing keys. GO-4 grabs its attention.

Rodney: "We have to see the captain. It's urgent."

The robot lets them through. The robot sees Wall-E enter with the transporter. Wall-E waves at it. It leaves the robot confused, but at the same time, it learned how to wave.

Rodney: "Wall-E you need to stay out of sight. I'm telling you. If the captain... is that a rat?!"

Remy: "Hi?"

Baymax: "This is Remy. He is harmless."

Rodney: "He better be. Remy, don't let anyone see you. The robots here will go nuts."

The elevator goes up and into the captain's deck. Remy takes the time to hide inside Wall-E's storage compartment. They are met by the auto pilot wheel. AUTO scans Eve and his red eye reads A113. He gives GO-4 instructions. A hole forms and Wall-E falls through it. AUTO goes down the hole.

AUTO: "Captain, you are needed on the bridge."

He goes back up and waits for the captain, who is asleep. Three other robots were asleep with him. Those being Carl, C-3PO, and R2-D2. Lights turn on. A wall shows the short list of captains in the Axiom. The current one was Captain B. McCrea. His alarm clock began ringing. As the captain attempted to turn off the alarm, he hits Wall-E's head, turning on his music. It startled him and the three robots awake.

C-3PO: "Oh dear! What is that noise?"

R2-D2 screeched.

Carl: "Morning, captain. We'll meet you on the upper deck. Come on guys."

C-3PO: "Come on, R2, we're going."

They enter the elevator.

Remy: "What's going on?"

Remy takes a peek out of Wall-E. Wall-E grabs the Captain's toes, tickling him. The robots finish their work and the captain moves his chair into the elevator. Wall-E got pushed in the elevator by the chair. When the captain enters the second floor, he claps twice and everything turns on.

AUTO: "Sir."

Captain: "Coffee."

The Captain pulls towards his desk to reach for his cup of coffee.

C-3PO: "Do you need assistance?"

Captain: "It's okay, 3PO. I've got this."

He used his chair to sit up and grab his cup. Wall-E, meanwhile, hid under the desk.

AUTO: "Sir. The annual..."

Captain: "Protocol, AUTO. First things first. Computer, status report."

His chair slides to the other side of the deck and he began asking the computer questions.

Captain: "Mechanical systems?"

Computer: "Unchanged."

Captain: "Reactor core temperature?"

Computer: "Unchanged."

Captain: "Passenger count?"

Computer: "Unchanged."

Captain: "Regenerative food buffet?"

Computer: "Unchanged."

While he talked, Wall-E saw Eve and whined nervously. Wondering what they will do to her.

Captain: "Okay AUTO."

AUTO: "Sir, the annual..."

Captain: "12:30? AUTO, why don't you wake me up for morning announcements? Honestly it's the one thing I hate to do on this ship."

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