Gowns and Vows

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Ana's POV

I was laying in bed, I wasn't even doing anything, just laying there, staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, letting my brain sink into the memories of all the great times I had with Harry. 

"No Anastasia...that wasn't you, that was Hermione" I scolded my betraying brain and my treacherous heart. I closed my eyes tighter "Forget him...forget them" I begged, even though it was a losing war.

 There was a soft knock at my door and my father's voice called out "Anastasia...please, your mother and I are worried. Please open the door" I ignored his pleas and hoped he would eventually just left.

Instead I shot up when I heard the unlocking noise from my door.  My father walked in and he gave me a small little grin "You're not the only one who knows advanced, wandless magic, my little beast"

"I wanna be alone, dad. Please" I threw myself back onto my bed

"Anastasia, darling, your mother and I just got you back and your mother feels as though she's lost you again." He sat down next to me on the bed "My dearest one, please, come downstairs" He smiled as I moved under the blanket more "Your mother is having friends over, please at least consider it?" 

I groaned and pushed the blanket away "what's the dress code?"

"Party casual" He bent and kissed my head "Thank you, darling"

~Couple hours later~

I finally was ready. It had taken ages to pick out a dress and even longer for the makeup team that complimented the dress and myself, but I was finally ready. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. This was officially my unofficial debut dinner. My parents were going to introduce me to the world as Anastasia Gaunt. And Hermione Granger would once again be dead.

 I took in another deep breath and that exact moment the door opened. I looked in the mirror and smiled as Draco's reflection stared at me in awe. "Wow...." He stayed in the doorway, but I could feel everywhere his eyes touched my skin "Anastasia, you look...you look amazing" I loved the way he said my name

"Oh my merlin!!" Astoria and Pansy suddenly pushed past him and circled me "Ana, you look totally fabulous! If this party wasn't about you, you totes turn a few heads!" Astoria was gushing and circling me like a predator 

"Let's get you to that party, now!" Pansy grabbed my arm and pushed past the boys "You are so rocking that dress!" I looked back at Draco, Blaise and Theo. they were laughing. 

We got downstairs and the amount of people really surprised me. I got a little anxious and looked around for familiar faces. That moment is when I realized that Pansy and Astoria had been called away to their respective families. I begun to wrung my hands together and tried to keep my breath steady. 

"Don't worry, I got you" A voice whispered in my ear and placed a hand on the small of my back. I looked to my side and saw Draco and for the first time I relaxed by his presence "Come on, let's find our parents. They're probably socializing together" 

I let him steer me throughout the house, when we finally found my parents I was completely lost in my new home. I was suddenly very at ease to see my mother finally "Anastasia!" She smiled at me and then turned towards Blaise, an older couple and another very attractive female and for some reason a small part of me hated how Draco looked at her. "Anastasia, I would like you to meet the Zabini family. You've obviously met Blaise" She smiled and turned towards who I'm assuming was his parents "These are his parents, Valentina and Thomas" They both smiled and then mum turned towards the girl next to Blaise "This is his sister, Caterina, she goes by Cat for short"

"Hello, you must be Anastasia Gaunt!" She completely ignored me and bloody strutted to Draco "You are a very well rounded gentlemen to be escorting her" She held her hand out like she was a princess "I am Caterina Russo-Zabini" Draco bowed and kissed her hand "Would you like to ask me to dance?"

I wasn't sure if he just wasn't interested or if he could just the steam coming out of my ears because he smiled and dropped her hand "While I would enjoy the honor of doing so, I have already asked Miss Gaunt to be my dance partner for the night" 

She looked from Draco to me and tried to cover the anger that was obvious from her "If that is what you wish, I know I will find no issue in finding a more...proper dance partner" She huffed out and vanished from sight 

"Why, Draco, dear that is so deliciously sweet of you! Ever such a proper gentleman!" She suddenly smiled behind us "Oh, Narcissa, darling! I was just talking about how much of a gentleman your son is!"

"My son?" Narcissa smiled at Draco and I "What ever has he done now?"

"Draco, my boy," My father suddenly clamped his hand on Draco's shoulder, even I could see to the fatherly threat that was imminent "I'm sure he will be a prince charming to my one and only daughter that I just had returned to me only a couple weeks ago that I have no problem going to Azkaban for" 

Draco winked at me and smoothly removed my father's hand from his shoulder "Mr. Gaunt, I would never allow harm nor injury come to Anastasia as long as I am standing next to her" 

Suddenly my father grew gravely serious "Swear it to me than, Draco" He looked at the Malfoys and then finally back to Draco and I "Make the unbreakable vow to me."

Before anyone could object or argue Draco stepped up "If that's what it takes, sir"

I grabbed his hand "Draco, don't be stupid" I hissed under my breath

He smiled and softly pushed me towards my mother "Relax Ana, I'll explain everything later"

Everyone who could gathered in the living room, we were all forming a circle around Draco and my father. They were both kneeling on the grounds and was grasping each other's arms firmly. My father seemed to be worried and scared, while Draco was perfectly calm. What was he gonna explain  to me? 

Blaise was performing the vow as per Draco's request. "You sure, about this, mate?" Draco nodded, never breaking contact with his opposite "Then let's begin" Blaise begun the short ceremony and the fades from my ears as I focused on the golden string tying their hands, tying Draco to me. I just didn't know how intertwined our paths and destinies were. 

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