We knew

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Draco's POV

Blaise, Theo, Pansy, Astoria and I were all at Gaunt Manor where my parents were talking about Anastasia with her parents. I don't know why they are still keeping her a secret we all know that Anastasia exists. And we all know that she truly is...

"EARTH TO DRACO!" Theo said, whacking me with a pillow

"THEO! WHAT THE HELL?!" I looked up at my best friends in angry confusion "I swear, Theodore, I'm going to end you"

"Children, come down here please!" Axel Gaunt called up. Theo smirked at me and rushed down followed by Blaise Pansy and Astoria 

"This isn't over Theodore!" I called and rushed after them 

Once we were downstairs Nicole told us she had big news. She seemed so happy, that it made everyone else smile too, she was infectious like that. "Our Anastasia is returning home today!" She looked over at my parents. who smiled encouragingly "We just received the letter stating she is ready to take her place as a Gaunt" Nicole stated, excitement was lacing her voice and it was hard not to be happy with her.

My parents smiled at us and it was one of the few times that happiness spread through the manor again.  "She is currently undoing her glamour and then she can finally return home; her things are already here. Will you five please the ones to retrieve her?" Axel asked "We think some familiar faces would be a comfort for her and make it easier"

"Of course sir!" Astoria answered for all of us. She smiled at them "We would love to be the ones to bring her home you at last, Sir" .With that we were quickly dismissed and went back to my room to wait until it was time to go get Anastasia. 

Hermione's POV

I knew who I was and it was time to return home. After telling Harry and the Weasley family I had to leave they were really upset, but it was time for me to go home. I went up to mine and Ginny's room, packed the few of my personal items that were left, things I hadn't sent to the manor yet. I took a deep breath and whispered the spell that would undo my glamour. A few minutes later I stared at myself in the mirror in shock

My hair was blonde and long, but I couldn't tell for sure because it was curled. My eyes were a brilliant, emerald green instead of chocolate brown. My lips were now a light shade of pink and they looked fuller than before. I was paler and had more curves. In other words I was drop dead gorgeous. I quickly dressed in black skinnies a gray tank top and black converse I brushed my bangs to the side and added a deep red lipstick. I looked at myself in the mirror, smiled and grabbed my wand. I left a piece of parchment on Ginny's bed explaining everything and explained that I knew all along, I apologized in the letter and left to the park where my family would get me and return me to my true home. And even better, return me to my true life as Anastasia Gaunt.

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