Best Friends/ Yoongi

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"Do we really have to go?", Yoongi murmured, his head covering with the blanket. I sighed and moved over to the bed, sitting on the edge closest to him. I pulled the blanket slowly from his head, tangling my fingers in his long black hair. "Yoongi, you know she is one of my closest friends.", I mumbled, slouching down a bit to be closer to him. Slowly, he sat himself up, and I finally got to take a look at the man I love so much. His black hair shimmering in the damp lamp that was sitting on the nightstand, his full and heavy lips which were pulled into a small pount and his dark brown eyes staring at me lovingly. "I know, but..", he uttered before one of his arms wrapped around my mid pulling me against him as he laid down again, and before I could even react, he had covered both of us with the blanket. Letting out a squeak of suprise, I turned toward him so that now we were chest to chest. Yoongs looked me directly in my eyes while firmly putting one hand on my torso and sliding the other one under head, only to slowly tangle his hand into my hair and start stroking it. "I know you had a rough day, Jagyia. The way your shoulders are slouched down and the way your eyes don't shine as much as they usually do... just relax for some minutes, then we can get ready." After his little speech, he tightened his grip around me and pulled me into his chest. "Just take a breath," he insisted. I laid there for some seconds, contemplating if I should give in or not, but soon snaked one of my arms under his arm, onto his back, clutching onto his shirt, while the second one stayed up front holding onto the hemp of his black T-Shirt. Closing my eyes and hiding my face in his chest, I took a long breath, breathing in his scent. He smelled like his usual perfume, a bit woody with some scent of the ocean. I don't know how long we laid there, but it was enough for me to gain some energy back and slowly open my eyes again, only to be met with his gorgeous eyes and lovely smile. "Come on, we can't keep her waiting. Can we now?", Yoongi teased while sitting up, pulling me along with him. He moved us both to the edge of the bed, sitting me down onto his lap. Not wanting his body heat to leave me, i naturally backed up into his chest. His chest rumbled a bit because of him letting out a low chuckle. He grabbed his phone of the night table, looking at the time. "See, we still have 40 minutes to get ready," he assured me. I mumbled a tierd, yes, still being captured by the warmth from moments ago. Yoongi slowly stood up, moving me up with himself. "Come on, let's go," he whispered into my neck. I just grumbled, moving out of the bedroom and into his bathroom to take a shower. Taking off my clothes, I heard movement outside, notifying me that Yoongs was also getting ready. Then, finally stepping into the shower and letting the hot water wash over my body woke me up again. While showering and letting all the thoughts I had kept away from entering my mind capture my attention, I didn't notice Yoongs putting clothes onto the closed toilet, only noticing it when I was wrapping myself in one of his new bought black Fluffy towels. Taking a closer look at what he had given me, I recognised my black cargo pants, black socks, underwear, a red top, and one of his favorite hoodies, which he always gave to me when I wasn't feeling well. "I love this man so much", was the only thing I could think. Putting everything on, I took my time with his hoodie, slipping it on slowly and smeeling it. Once I was finished with everything, I walked outside, wandering around to find my boyfriend. My last place to search was the kitchen, where I finally found him digging through one of his cabinets. "Yoongi?", I softly spoke, getting his attention almost immediately. He stepped towards me, "Hey, Gongjunim, how are we feeling?". I hugged him, burying my face in his chest, "Better." Yoongi slowly moved himself out of my hug, only to shove a cookie into my mouth. I let out a baffled screech of suprise. Looking at him, I saw him smile his Gummysmile, I loved so much. "Come on," he stated as he walked away from me, turning off the lights in the kitchen. Following him like a lost puppy, I only now noticed his fit. He had put on a long black crew neck hoodie, matched with black-grey ripped cargo pants and personalised red-white Nike-Airs. I could also see some silver shimmering on his fingers, around his wrists and his neck. Fixating my eyes onto the back of his neck allowed them to slowly wander down towards his shoulders, where you could see his back muscles through the cotten. "Damn, my boyfriend has been working out," I thought. I put my shoes on, and soon we were out the door, on the way to his SUV. "Here we are," Yoongi announced, holding the passenger door open for me. Taking his hand, I got into his car while flashing him a bright smile. Once we both were in the car, he drove off and let me decide on the playlist. I decided on his song "D-Day" and sat back relaxing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Yoongs look over at me and smirk, I knew it stroked his ego when I played his songs. Looking out of the window, I shivered a little as I feld cold metal through my trousers. Glancing down, I saw that Yoongi put his hand onto my thigh, and that's how I knew if anything were to happen, he would be by my side.

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