Now then, let's start off with something which in concept is quite simple, but can actually be quite a challenge for some writers; especially if you're someone like me who has so many fanfics that at least have the first quarter of a chapter drafted: figuring out which one you want to update and how not to procrastinate too much on that, while also not overworking yourself to the point of burning out and, of course, procrastinating on other projects, regardless of whether they're fanfic-related or not.
My advice? Look at all of the fanfics that are already published and observe the dates that each chapter was published, more specifically, which days of the week they were published. Those will be the days that you will work on your stories. The days of the week that has the least chapters published on them will be the days where you relax and have some time to yourself.
As for deciding which fic to update, that can vary depending on the writer; whether it be managing which ones to update on which day from which day of the week most chapters are updated, or a strategy I'm currently trying out for myself, placing all my fanfics into a spin-the-wheel generator and having it decide which one I should work on for the day. Perhaps it could be both, where you spin the wheel and that determines which fanfic you're going to work on for which day.
Another thing to note is that on the days that you do work on your fanfics, place a few breaks in during the day as well, so that you have some moments to simply breathe and relax; take a walk, watch a show/movie you enjoy, spend some time with your friends, partner, and/or family, anything that brings you joy.
Regardless of how you have it planned, managing our schedule so that we have a consistent time to write while also not burning ourselves out and having time to ourselves is important whenever developing a story.
Fanfiction writing advice: Tips for all fanfic writers
FanfictionThe title says it all, nothing much; just a (somewhat) experienced fanfic writer giving out advice to any other fanfic writers either just starting, are struggling, or want to try something different in their next project