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DARRIAN jimenez ! sugarhill, the blockfeaturing; @sugarhillddot

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DARRIAN jimenez !
sugarhill, the block
featuring; @sugarhillddot .

KEEM'S VOICE BOOMED as he greeted ddot, who was sitting on the block with a blunt in his hand. he asked, "yo, worda ma dead's, what's good? i haven't seen you outside in dumb long." ddot sucked his teeth, took a hit of the blunt, and blew it out.

it wasn't a new thing—everybody knew that ddot wasn't out as much anymore because of the passing of his grandma. he was taken a big break from all of that shit—his grandma's words about his lifestyle weighed heavily on him and he needed some time to process everything.

ddot had been very close to his grandma, and her passing had hit him hard. he didn't find himself going outside at all anymore, including going out with his friends.

despite everything, ddot's mental health had gotten better over the days even though he knew sooner or later he would go batshit crazy and loose it all. he was never one to handle his handle correctly—he says things without thinking when he's hurt.

"yo ma heart—pass me that," dd put his hands in a grabby motion which caused ddot to roll his eyes but pass it to him anyways.

"where ya ass been?" keem asked making eye contact with the younger boy. he knew something was up.

ddot shrugged his shoulders and replied to keem, "i been chilling. ain't nothin out here no more." he spoke with a blank expression on his face, being completely honest.

ddot never found himself going out as much anyways—he found it boring now, he had been spending most of his time listening music to drown his own thoughts our he was with zoey.

despite everything, ddot was still passionate about his rapping carrer. he enjoyed the beats and rhymes of his favorite rappers and found solace in the lyrics. it was one of the few things that could take his mind off his problems, even if it was just for a little while.

keem chuckled. "oh word? you don't be outside like that?" ddot nodded in agreement and took another hit of his blunt that dd had passed back. he was content with spending time alone and didn't feel the need to go out as much as he used to.

"nah he really just be with zoey. all you here from this nigga is zoey, zoey zoeyyyyy." notti laughed which caused ddot to mug him. "get off my dick, dick sucker."

ddot didn't even entertain them because he knew in some sense that they weren't wrong. everywhere zoey was he was; it was like they were attached to the him.

zoey was the light in his life, the one person who truly understood him.

whenever ddot was feeling overwhelmed, zoey was there to listen. she never judged him or made him feel bad about his struggles. instead, she either always listened or talked about random things to get his mind off it.

𝐗𝐎𝐗𝐎, 𝐙𝐎𝐄𝐘; ˢᵘᵍᵃʳʰⁱˡˡ ᵈᵈᵒᵗ Where stories live. Discover now