Chapter 11

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Damon Salvatore was a headmaster for a school of special species, and he had been extremely busy lately.

With all the responsibilities on his shoulders, he hadn't had much time to spend with his wife, Jessica.

But he knew how important it was to make her feel special, so he decided to plan a surprise for her.

As a thank you for taking care of him and always being there for him.

He spent the entire day preparing for the surprise, making sure that every detail was perfect.

He had arranged for a romantic dinner in their garden, complete with candles and flowers.

He had also hired a band to play their favorite songs throughout the night.

As Jessica arrived home from the school, Damon was waiting for her in the living room.

He had dressed in his finest suit and had a bouquet of roses in his hand.

"Surprise!" he said, grinning from ear to ear.

Jessicas eyes widened as she took in the sight before her.

She had been so busy with work that she hadn't even realized what day it was.

But now, she felt a surge of warmth in her chest as she realized just how much Damon had gone out of his way to make her feel special.

"Damon, this is amazing," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

Damon took her hand and led her outside, where the garden was lit up with twinkling lights and the smell of fresh flowers filled the air.

They sat down at the table, and Damon poured her a glass of wine.

"I know I've been busy lately," he said, looking at her with a soft expression. "But I never want you to forget how much I love you."

Jessica felt her heart swell with love as she looked at her husband.

Despite all the craziness in their lives, he always found a way to make her feel special.

As they ate, the band began to play their favorite songs, and Damon pulled her up to dance.

They swayed together under the stars, lost in their own world.

For a moment, Jessica forgot about all of her worries and just enjoyed being in the moment with her husband.

She knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but as long as they had each other, they could get through anything.

As the night wore on, Damon whispered sweet nothings in her ear, making her feel loved and cherished.

And for just a little while, everything was perfect.

As they danced, Damon pulled Jessica closer to him, and she could feel his heart beating against her chest.

The music slowed down, and they moved together in perfect harmony.

Damon Salvatore had always been a passionate man, and his love for his wife Jessica was no exception.

As he lay beside her in bed, he could feel the heat rising between them.

He ran his fingers through her hair, savoring the feel of her soft locks.

Jessica looked up at him, her eyes filled with love. "I love you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Damon smiled, leaning in to kiss her. Their lips met, and he felt a jolt of electricity run through his body.

He deepened the kiss, his passion for her growing with every moment.

As they made love, Damon felt like he was on fire. He couldn't get enough of her, and he never wanted the moment to end.

They moved together in perfect harmony, lost in their passion.

Damon's hands roamed over her body, exploring every inch of her.

He knew her intimately, but he never tired of discovering new things about her.

Her skin was soft and smooth, and he loved the way she responded to his touch.

Jessica's moans filled the air, and Damon felt his own pleasure building.

He wanted to make her feel as good as she made him feel, and he pushed himself to the brink of ecstasy.

Finally, they both reached their climax, their bodies shaking with pleasure.

They collapsed onto the bed, their breathing heavy.

As they lay together, Damon knew that he was the luckiest man in the world.

He had a beautiful wife, a fulfilling job, and a life filled with love.

He couldn't wait to see what the future held for them, but for now, he was content to be with his wife, the love of his life.

As they lay in bed, Damon's phone beeped, signaling a new message.

He reached over and picked it up, his brow furrowing as he read the message.

"What is it?" Jessica asked, sensing that something was wrong.

"It's a text from an unknown number," Damon said, his voice tense. "They're threatening me."

Jessica sat up, concern etched on her face. "What kind of threat?"

Damon handed her the phone, and she read the message. "It the same number from earlier this week."

Damon looked at her, his eyes filled with worry. "I don't know who this is, but I have a feeling they're not messing around."

Jessica took his hand, her grip firm. "We'll figure this out together," she said, determination in her voice.

Damon nodded, his expression serious. "We can't let this person scare us off. We have to find out who they are and stop them."

Jessica smiled, her eyes shining with love. "We can do anything together," she said, leaning in to kiss him.

As they kissed, Damon knew that he had to do whatever it took to protect Jessica and keep her safe.

He had no idea who was behind the text, but he was determined to find out.

Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, and come out stronger on the other side.

At the end of the day they have each other and there beautiful children.

A/N: Hi guys how are you guys liking the story hopefully u are and who do you think ur texting Damon. I guess u will find out. Please vote and feel free to comment.:3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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