Be Careful!: Part 2

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It's been about an hour and a half since Justin was rushed to the emergency room. We waited in the waiting room praying for the best when a doctor finally came out to speak to us.

"So Mr. Bieber is stable and is currently being sedated with pain medication. His puncture wounds did unfortunately require stitches. He also was tested for rabies and the test thankfully came back negative," the doctor said.

"Now he's able to go home but he will be in a lot of pain for the next couple of days. For that we are going to send him home with antibiotics that he will have to take every 8 hours to avoid any possible joint or bone infections. They will also help with the pain," he continued to say.

We were so relieved that he was okay.
"Now there are some side affects of the medication that are perfectly normal like fever and vomiting. If any of those side affects actually occur do not worry, it's actually a good thing it means that his body is working to get rid of any rising infections," the doctor said.

"Ok thank you so much," I say. The doctor gives us a kind grin and walks away. We then go to Justin's room.

"Hey guys," he said slowly sitting up from the hospital bed. "Babe I'm so glad your ok," I said giving him a kiss. "How did those stitches feel?" Chaz asked. "They hurt like hell, that damn dog," Justin said rolling his eyes. We laugh.

"Well the doctor said your ok to come home, so we better get going so you can get some rest," I say. Justin agrees along with Chaz and Jessica. I slowly help Justin out of bed a we walk him to the car and pull off.

Justin hadn't been in too much pain due to the medication that he was given before we left the hospital. However after about 10 minutes of driving, I could tell he wasn't feeling to good as he became noticeably quiet.

"You alright Jay?" I ask. He nods 'yes' resting his head on the window. He didn't look well at all, but I still continue to drive. I thought the quicker he could get some rest, the quicker he'd feel better. About another 10 minutes later Justin started to shift uncomfortably in his seat. He then suddenly whimpers.

"Babe I don't feel good," he groans holding his stomach. "What's wrong, are you feeling sick?" I ask. He nods 'yes' slowly. He then groans painfully again. "You good bro?" Chaz ask. Justin's only response was a head shake 'no' as he laid his head back against the seat shutting his eyes tightly.

"Hold on Jay, imma pull over," I say beeping my way through traffic quickly finding a place to pull over. As soon as the car stopped Justin opens the door and starts throwing up. I rub his back in small circles as he continued to be sick. When he finished he looked pale and sick.

"Aww I know you don't feel good we're almost home," I say wiping his mouth with a napkin I found in my glove department. I then pull off and finally get him home.

"Are you guys sure you don't want me to drive you home?" I ask Chaz and Jessica. "No Sasha we'll be fine in an Uber. You need to stay and look after Justin," Jessica tells me before she and Chaz hug me goodbye.

"Call us and let us know how he's doing," Jessica says as she gets in the Uber. "I will," I say waving them goodbye.

The next couple of days are going to be tough I thought to myself.

Be Careful!(A Justin Bieber Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now