Be careful!: Part 1

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(ATTENTION: in this story justin is 19 and not famous. Enjoy!)

"Justin and Chaz will you come on," I say to the boys who were taunting a dog that was behind a fence. Me, Justin, Chaz, and Jessica(Chaz's girlfriend) were having a double date and decided to go to Dave & Busters.

We had just parked the car in a random neighborhood close to the gaming building to avoid the pricey parking meters. We were currently walking to the building when we walked passed a house that had a vicious dog behind the fence.

"Here doggie doggie doggie," Justin said in a high voice. "Woof woof," Chaz said followed by laughter. "You guys stop messing with that dog," Jessica said. By this time Jessica and me had already walked almost to the corner of the block while the boys were still behind.

"Come on doggie come get me," Justin said shaking his butt in front of the fence. Me and Jessica couldn't help but to laugh.

My laughter suddenly turned into seriousness when I saw the latch on the fence shake. "Justin Chaz come on leave that dog alone, " I say starting to feel a little worried. "Oh come on Sasha he's behind a fence," Justin said to me.

He and Chaz then continue to clown the dog. The latch on the fence begins to shake more as the vicious dog banged his body against it. The dog then suddenly bangs against the fence with great power breaking the latch. Me and Jessica scream telling them to run.

The dog jumps up and latches on to Justin's shirt causing Justin to fall back onto his butt. Chaz picks up a stick from the sidewalk and begins to try to distract the dog by hitting it. Me and Jessica then grab some rocks from the curb and begin to throw them at the dog still frantically screaming on fear. A few seconds later the owner comes running out grabbing the dog by its collar.

"I am so sorry are you guys ok?" The owner says frantically. Justin then suddenly whimpers. I bend down on the sidewalk next to him. "What's wrong are you hurt?" I ask frantically. I then notice a red stain on his white beater by his lower stomach. I lift his shirt up and see puncture marks that were badly bleeding and swelling by the second.

"Oh my god," Jessica said covering her mouth with both hands. "We need to get him to a hospital now!" I say quickly. I go to lift him from the ground causing him to scream in pain. I put one of his arms around my shoulder as Chaz put Justin's other arm around his shoulder. We walk him to the car with Jessica following behind. We then get him in the car and drive to the hospital as he cried in pain and agony.

Once we get to the hospital we bust through the emergency room doors screaming for help.

Out of nowhere Justin suddenly becomes unconscious and falls back with Chaz catching him before he hits the floor.


To be continued.....

Be Careful!(A Justin Bieber Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now