Be Careful!: Part 3

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After Chaz and Jessica had left, I went to go take a shower while Justin laid down. Once I got out of the shower I went to check on Justin. I could tell he had been running a pretty bad fever as I observed how sweaty he was. I then decided to wake him up and have him take a cool shower.

  "Justin, babe wake up," I whisper gently shaking his shoulder. He groans and then opens his eyes. He painfully hisses as he goes to sit up in bed. "Soar?" I ask watching his painful facial expression. He nods his head 'yes'. "Well you wanna get a cool shower so I can give you some medicine? You can go back to sleep after," I say. He nods 'yes' again and I help him out of bed. I run the water for him and leave him to wash up.

  I was laying in bed watching TV when Justin finally came out of the bathroom. He looked so handsome. He was shirtless and had nothing on but his gold chains around his neck and some black basketball shorts. He then walks over and slowly gets in the bed smelling like a new born baby. I then get up and give him his medicine.

After I gave Justin his medicine he immediately starts to not feel good. He lays down as I massaged his back until he finally fell asleep. Soon after I then too fell asleep.

3:07 a.m. ——————————

  I was sound asleep until I heard groaning and felt the bed shifting. I open my eyes and see Justin violently tossing and turning in his sleep . I quickly turn on the lamp and shake him to try to wake him from his slumber.

"Justin, Justin it's a dream wake up," I say shaking him. He then suddenly sits up awake and out of breath

"Breathe Jay it was just a dream," I say trying to calm him down as I rubbed his back

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"Breathe Jay it was just a dream," I say trying to calm him down as I rubbed his back. "It was- *gasp for air* I saw- I- I-," he says struggling to breathe. I try to calm him down the best I could but nothing seemed to calm him. His gasping for air then suddenly turns into coughing followed by a gag.

  I quickly grab the trash can by the bed and hold it under his chin as he starts to throw up. I rub his back softly until he stops. I then go downstairs and get him a ginger-ale to drink slowly.

  "You wanna talk about it?" I ask after he was fully calm. He shakes his head 'no' and lays back down. I lay down too staying wide awake until he fell back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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