overwhelmed- matt sturniolo

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The soft sound of rain tapping against the window was all that could be heard from inside of your room. You were laying in your bed reading a book, with your cat curled up on your lap.

Your day had been extremely overwhelming, leaving you wanting to do nothing but lay in your bed. As you listened to the soft rain your mind drifted as you began to think about your boyfriend, Matt.

You both had been together for 8 months now. You two were so happy together it was hard to even comprehend. Even with everything going on in your lives you both always made your relationship a priority.

You had been going through a lot recently, but Matt would always be there to comfort you. It was hard for you to open up to people but Matt was patient and would always remind you that it's okay to be vulnerable.

The sound of your door opening interrupted your thoughts.

"Hey baby," Matt said as he walked into your room.

"Hey," you said softly, putting down your book.

Matt threw himself onto your bed, laying on your legs. He brought his hands to gently pet your sleeping cat. "How was your day?" Matt asked, looking up at you.

"It was alright," you said quietly.

He stopped petting your cat and looked at you with concern. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

God he's so perfect.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just really tired."

"Are you sure?" He asked. Even though you knew Matt would always be there to listen to you, you hated making him worried. "We can talk about it, whatever it is."

"I mean nothing really happened," you started, "but for some reason I've just felt off today." Matt looked at you intently. "It's just like so much is going on right now, and it's hard for me to deal with it. I'm so scared that I'm just going to mess somethi- sorry, this is stupid."

Matt grabbed your hands, "Hey, how you feel isn't stupid. You always listen to me when I need to talk to someone, and you never call me stupid."

"I know, I just don't want to always complain to you." You told him.

"You don't do that, and even if you did I wouldn't mind. If anything, I'm usually the one complaining," He smiled. "If you don't want to talk about it right now then it's okay, but if you do then I'm here to listen.

You smiled as he said this. You took a deep breath before you started telling him everything that you've been feeling lately. You told him about how you were scared to disappoint anyone, and that you were really concerned about how people viewed you online.

Matt sat there and listened to everything you had to say. "You know, it's okay to feel that way. I feel the same way sometimes. But I promise you that nobody could ever be disappointed in you. If you need to take a break sometimes then that's okay, and everyone will understand. I know how much you worry about letting people down but you need to focus on yourself. You're stressing yourself out so much by being so concerned about what other people will think. Y/N, you're an amazing person who has the best heart, and anyone who can't see that isn't worth your time."

Your mind calmed as he spoke.

"Thank you, Matt." You said.

"Of course, do you feel any better?"

You nodded.

"Good, I'm glad I could help." He smiled.

You hugged him, "You always know what to say to make me feel better."

"I'm just being honest." He mumbled into your neck. "I'll always be here for you. I hope you know that."

"I know, thank you."

"Of course, I love you so much."

"I love you too," you told him.

You two laid there for a while, just holding each other and mumbling. Your cat had moved from your lap so she was cuddled into Matt's back. You began to drift off to sleep with his arms wrapped around you.

"Goodnight, Y/N," Matt whispered, "I'm glad I could make you feel better."

"Goodnight, Matt. Thank you again."

"I love you." He softly said pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.

"I love you." You replied before you both fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.

first imagine, my bitch ass creative writing teacher would be so proud 🙂😺

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