apologies- chris sturniolo

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You had been sitting downstairs in the living room for the past 30 minutes. You and Chris had just had a pretty big argument. It all started because you just wanted to spend more time with him, resulting in him lashing out and calling you overbearing. Your feelings were hurt and you wanted nothing more than to lay in your own bed at your apartment. Unfortunately, you were unable to go home due to the storm that had started outside.

Nick sat next to you on the couch, silently scrolling on TikTok. He was unsure of what to say to you, not wanting to make you even more upset.

"Nick do you think it's my fault?" You whispered out, wanting to know if what Chris had said earlier was true.

"Do you want my like actual opinion or what will make you feel better" Nick asked.

You threw your head back on to the couch, "Your actual opinion."

"No I think him freaking out about you wanting to spend more time with him is fucking ridiculous." He leaned in closer to you, trying to make sure neither of his brothers that could've been listening heard what he said.

You nodded in response, not knowing what you could say without sounding bitchy. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah, you pick." Nick grabbed the remote, handing it to you and grabbing a blanket to cover the both of you.
You mindlessly picked what to watch, just wanting something to distract you from everything you were thinking.

The movie had only been on for a few minutes before you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You kept your attention on the screen, not wanting to look at Chris.

He walked right past the living room and into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and grabbed a drink before making his way into the living room, stopping a few feet in front of you. "Can we talk?"

You sucked in a breath, looking at Nick who gave you a small smile. "Not if you're going to yell at me again." You said. You knew it was petty but you didn't care.

Chris ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm not."

You got up from the couch and followed Chris upstairs. You two went into his room, him closing the door behind you.

Instead of sitting on his bed like you normally would, you stayed standing. Chris stood in front of you, looking everywhere but your face.

"I thought we were going to talk." You said, arms crossed.

Chris let out a sigh and finally made eye contact with you. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said, it's not fair to you."

"And what exactly did you say?" You pried, arms crossed.

"I don't really want to say it again," He whispered, "You were right we haven't been spending enough  time with each other and I know whenever you've been  over here lately I've been working on something. I've just had so much to do, it's just overwhelming and I just need to get it done. I'm sorry that I made you feel unwanted."

You walked toward him, placing your arms around his torso. His hands met your waist, resting his head on top of yours. "Chris, it's okay I know you have a lot going on, but I just wish you would talk to me about it."

"I know." He replied, his arms tightening around you.

"Like seriously, you can tell me anything." You told him. He hummed in response. You pulled out of the hug and looked up at him. "Let's go to bed, I know you're tired." You grabbed his hand and led him to his bed, turning off the lamp on his dresser.

You two climbed into his bed and under the covers. Chris placed his head on your shoulders, wrapping his arms around your waist. You brought your hands up to the hair and ran your fingers through the strands.

"I'm sorry ma." He breathed out.

"It's okay Chris just go to sleep, you're tired." You told him.

"Goodnight, I love you." Chris mumbled.

"I love you too."

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