confessions- matt sturniolo

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if you guys ever catch me referring to matt as "matty", cuss me out and report me please.

this was requested on my Tumblr but I'm going to post it here too <3

The crowded house was filled with so many people, the majority of whom you didn't know. Your best friend, Madi, had dragged you there. The triplets went with you two, but you quickly lost them in the crowd.

"Do you want to go get a drink?" Madi asked you, nodding towards the kitchen. You nodded, following her. As you two walked. you scanned the room for any familiar face. Making your way through the living room, your eyes landed on Matt. Chris was elbowing him and loudly laughing as they both made eye contact with you.

Matt gave you a soft smile as you walked by him. You quickly brushed off Chris' behavior, assuming he was just being his normal self.

"Oh hey you two, I've been looking for you guys everywhere." Nick exclaimed, quickly moving to walk next to you and Madi. You all got drinks and engaged in small talk.

Your mind drifted somewhere else. You turned to look at Matt but he wasn't in the same spot anymore. "You know, I think you should just tell him you like him." You heard Nick state, causing you to snap your head towards him.

"Absolutely not," you dryly laughed, "and besides how do you even know that." You were extremely close with Nick and you trusted him, but you refrained from sharing your feelings about Matt with him, in fear that he may slip up and reveal your secret.

Nick looked at you with a confused look on his face, "Maybe because I have two eyes." He said, waving his hand around his face. "You aren't exactly what I would call discrete."

"I'm not going to humiliate myself just because you think I should." You placed your drink down. "When have I not been discrete? If I'm so obvious then why hasn't Chris said anything, you know he would tease me about it."

Nick had a sly smile on his face, "Chris is busy doing something else."

"I agree with Nick. You don't have anything to lose, and besides just because he knows you like him doesn't mean that you two have to be anything." Madi told you, while Nick nodded along.

"Um, I have everything to lose. We've been friends for years, and I don't want to ruin that by telling him I like him. It would make it awkward for me to be around you guys when he's there." You said, shaking your head. The idea of telling Matt about your feelings had crossed your mind a few times before, but you quickly pushed those thoughts away.

"If he doesn't feel the same way, then just play it off as a joke or something. If you don't tell him before we leave then I'll do it for you. I'm tired of watching you two idiots stare at each other and think nobody notices." You knew Nick would have no problem telling Matt, but you would rather be the one to tell him.

"See, so wouldn't you rather just tell Matt instead of having Nick do it?" Madi asked you making you pause to think about it. 

"Okay fine, but if this goes wrong you two will never see me again. Trust me." You sighed.

"Just walk over to him like the bad bitch you are, and tell him how you feel." Nick boosted your confidence.

"Where even is he?" You asked, checking your phone camera to make sure your makeup and hair looked good.

"Just walk, you'll find him." Nick pushed you away from him and Madi. You walked a few feet away before turning to see Nick and Madi dancing and holding up their thumbs.

You wiped your hands on your skirt and took a deep breath in before proceeding.

Chris' POV:

Chris had been trying all night to give Matt the courage to confess to Y/N. Nick and Chris were both tired of them both being stupid. so they decided to divide and conquer; Chris helping Matt and Nick helping Y/N.

Chris had his hands on Matt's shoulders, helping him rehearse what he should say to Y/N when he felt his phone buzz.


idk where the hell you two are but y/n is walking around looking for matt

she's scared don't let matt fuck up


okay i think i see her

ill get matt to go over there

bro is scared asf too


ill be so glad when all of this shit is over.

"Okay it's time," Chris told his brother, "you need to lock in."

Matt's eyes widen and he ran his fingers through his soft, brown hair. "Bro, I really can't do this shit."

Chris smiled, grabbing Matt's shoulders to turn him around, "Well you have to because she just saw you."

2nd Person POV:

You spotted Matt and hesitantly walked towards him. When Chris turned him around you quickly looked at your feet, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Can we talk," you mumbled, "like outside or somewhere quiet?"

"Yeah, come on." Matt slightly whispered, putting his hands in his pockets and turning in the direction of the door. You followed hesitantly behind him and he opened the door for you. When you both were outside you could sense the awkwardness between you. Matt rocked back and forth on his feet and you fidgeted with your fingers.

You knew you needed to just spit it out before you thought about it too much.

"I really like you." You blurted out, regretting it as soon as Matt's facial expression morphed into a look of shock. You felt your face start to redden and your body get hot as you two stood there in silence. You stared at him for a few more seconds, before feeling your eyes well up with tears. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any-"

You were cut off by Matt pressing his lips to yours. You stood still in shock for a few seconds before placing your hands around his neck. The kiss was short and sweet, when you pulled away Matt had a big smile on his face. (i was in pain writing this.)

"I'm glad you said that, I was dead ass way too scared to," Matt confessed, "I've liked you for the longest time but I didn't want to make it awkward between us."

"Nick is really the only reason I had the courage to tell you. He told me he was going to tell you if I didn't." You told him, looking into his eyes.

"Well I'm glad you told me instead of him telling me." Matt laughed.

"Me too." You two stood closely to each other, your faces both leaning in for another kiss.

"Holy shit, we're good." You heard a voice shout out, turning to see Nick, Chris and Madi standing at an open window near you and Matt.

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