silent treatment- matt sturniolo

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The tension between the two of you was very evident. It had been like that since earlier in the day when you two had started arguing about your relationship being a secret.

When you and Matt had started dating, you both agreed to keep your relationship a secret until you both felt comfortable with going public.

It was almost a year later, and you were tired of having to act like you two were just friends to both of your fan bases. You wanted to be able to act like a couple in public, instead of you both just walking beside each other without touching. You didn't see the harm in letting people know,  because you wouldn't let anyone else's opinion get in between your relationship.

Matt disagreed. He was scared of letting people know because he was worried that you would receive hate from some of his fans. He knew most of them would be happy and supportive, but he knew there was still a few who would attack you. He feared that the hate would get to you and you wouldn't want to be with him anymore.

The argument had left Matt not talking to you the whole rest of the day. It had really started to get to you when he was talking to Nick and Chris, completely ignoring you sitting there. You had talked to Nick about what happened, and Matt had told Chris.

It was awkward for Chris and Nick to sit there when it was painfully obvious you were both upset with each other. Matt continued to talk to his brothers when you had finally had enough.

"Nick, I'm just going to go to your room since there's no point in me being down here." You stated, before standing up.

You made your way up the stairs and into Nick's room. You sat on Nick's bed, scrolling through photos of you and Matt.

Meanwhile, Nick and Chris were trying to convince Matt to just talk to you.

"Matt, I really think if the two of you just talk then you'll fix it." Chris told Matt.

"Yeah, ignoring her isn't going to do anything." Nick agreed.

Matt ran his hands through his hair, "She probably won't even want to talk to me."

Nick began flailing his arms around, "Oh my god, how stupid can you be? She literally left because you weren't talking to her." Nick pointed in the direction of the stairs. "Now go fix it before it gets worse."

Matt slightly nodded, taking in what Nick was saying. He sighed before he went up the stairs to go talk to you. He knocked on the door.

"Nick, I don't really want to talk right now." You said, putting your phone down.

"It's not Nick." Matt replied, opening the door. "Can we please talk?"

You nodded as he sat on the bed, looking at you.

"Y/N, I'm really sorry. I just don't want you to be upset, and I'm really scared that some of the comments might get to you." Matt confessed.

"I get that, but it makes me feel like you're embarrassed to be with me or something." You told him. His face dropped when you said that.

"Of course I'm not embarrassed of you. I'm sorry that I made you feel like that. I've thought about it and if you seriously want to go public then I'm okay with that. I think most people who watch us already have an idea." He said.

You slightly smiled at this and nodded, "If you don't want to go public then it's okay, I can wait."

He shook his head, "No, I think we should do it."

You moved so that you could hug him. "Okay, let's do it tomorrow. I've missed you all day and I think we should just spend some time together."

He smiled and pushed you onto the bed, laying on top of you. "I hate it when we argue."

"Me too." You said, pushing the hair out of his face.

He held you tighter, "I'm really sorry I've been ignoring you."

"It's okay, you were just upset, but don't do it again." You said, softly laughing.

"Don't worry, I won't. He told you


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y/n.l/n summer nights w the best <3


matthew.sturniolo my favorite person 🫶

- y/n.l/n 🫶

- christopher.sturniolo im extremely offended.

- y/n.l/n cry abt it

nicolassturniolo FINALLY

user16821901 OMG THERES NO WAY

sturniolo.lvr5689 holy shit.

mattybgfreal am i the only one not shocked 🤨

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