First Impressions

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Time flies and just as it was said, the little prince is turning 12 today. It feels like it was yesterday when we were receiving the blessing of our gods by having a little boy named Lee Felix in the royal family.
We could keep talking about the prince all day but time is exactly what we don't have right at the moment and that's also ironic to say because every single individual in this huge castle has been thinking and talking about the child mentioned before because his 10th birthday so, of course, it has to be as big as possible, also a small detail is that prince Felix is the one and only child of his parents, there's been a lot of speculations about it but in reality they simply wanted one child even if at some point they almost follow everyone "advices" of their child needing a little sister to protect or a brother to battle with but they were strong enough to stick to their plans of having just one.

Being 7am, the maid, Danielle, had the task to wake up the prince for him to get ready for all the events that will be happening at his castle.

–Prince Felix– she whispered couple of times trying to wake the kid up not so abruptly.
She didn't have to say it to many times because the child quickly understood what he had to do and with no complains he got up and walked to the bathroom to fulfill his necessities.
When he got out of the bathroom the had his clothes for the day already ironed and they were hanging on the coat rack right in the entrance of his walk-in closet.

Subsequently dressing up correctly he got out of his room, walked down the stairs, finally arriving to the imperial table that by the time was already full of different types of food. After a little glance to everything he could see on the table, he decided to sit on his assigned chair beside his father and in front his mother and wait for them to come. Being his mum the first one to arrive.

–Sunshine– his mum called using this pretty nickname she gave him since he was little when she realized Felix had a particular interest for the sun at any presentation. He was simply fascinated by all the information he read and then admired with his beautiful brown eyes.

–Good Morning, Mummy!– he said getting out for his chair just so he could run to his mum and hug her as much as his arms could.

–Happy 12th birthday, Lix.– the queen said and consecutively she started giving him kisses all over his face.

–So you keep hugging and using that nickname to my gorgeous wife but what about me?– said a male voice coming from his dad while smiling towards their little family.

–Good Morning, Daddy– a little less excited because everyone knows he loves his mum just a little bit more but just a little bit, although, he still had that cute smile of him while running towards the king.

–Are you excited for today?– the queen asked the little prince getting his attention again.

–Yes! I'm so excited to see my family and friends!– he said shaking out of excitement.

–That sounds amazing, Felix. But first you have to eat to have a lot of energy. Okay?– his dad said while walking to their sits and helping him to get on his chair.

–Yes! I want to be strong like you and like my mum.– he said looking at his dad and then to his mum.

Like that. Having different and interesting conversations they finished their food and everyone went to their assigned things to do.

Everyone started to arrive from a huge variety of countries. How could it not be like that? It's the prince's birthday. People from all around the globe want to see how the prince is doing, how handsome he's becoming, they want to know everything about this little boy that has stolen everybody's heart because of how cute and kind this prince is, as a sign of how good he's been raised.
Despite his young age, he was already so educated and polite to the people entering to the palace, greeting and bowing.

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