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[Music : Beyond the sea - Robbie Williams]

— Great! This one will make at least three meals! 

Aline grabbed her fishing rod and brought the fish back to the boat.

— Manon! Bring the cooler. I've got another one.  

— Another one? You're spoiling us today.

Manon arrived with the heavy cooler and a broad smile.  

— Well, I must be in luck tonight. The fish seem to be attracted to the surface, which is handy.

The two friends set about gutting the fish before freezing it. Manon had joined Aline's boat two days earlier. The boat had left Brest and was now floating in the Atlantic. The two young women had known each other for many years. They had spent part of their studies together, and had subsequently campaigned for the preservation of the seabed around the world. After a few years working for the Renewal, Aline had left the organisation to buy her own boat and escape from a society that was increasingly disgusting to her. In the middle of the waves, she was able to enjoy the calm of the ocean all day long. 

Manon had also left the Renewal shortly after her friend. The violent tendencies of the organization were beginning to worry her greatly. For months, Aline had been inviting her to join. But she was too busy settling the various legal disputes in which she was involved. They were the unfortunate result of the simple expression of her strong opinion. Then, one evening, under pressure, she packed her suitcase and left for the Breton Federation. With difficulty, she crossed the regional border, using a few contacts, and made her way as best she could to the calm of the Atlantic. Now she was determined never to return to Paris.

— Did you hear what I said? 

— What?

Aline got up and headed inside the boat. The boat was very large, and Manon wondered how much her friend could have paid for it. But deep down, she knew that Aline had impulsively emptied her bank account to buy it. She stood up and stretched her back. With a relaxed sigh, she gazed up at the sky, filled with beautiful clouds. Seagulls and gulls flew there gracefully, sometimes swooping down on a few unwary fish. The sight transported her. A crazy idea came to her. Would Aline agree to set sail on a long journey? To Reunion Island, for example. She had always dreamt of going back to the island where she had spent the best years of her childhood.  

— Manon.

The young woman turned round, ready to explain her plan to her friend, but Aline's face was taut with fear.  

— They did it...

Manon clamped a hand over her mouth, suddenly thinking of her companion, who had remained on the continent. Aline grabbed her hand.  

— Come on! We've got to hurry! I've set the automatic pilot for land. Don't worry, I equipped the boat before you arrived. We've got to lock ourselves in the hold.

Before she could react, Manon was dragged by her friend to the belly of the boat, behind a large metal door.

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