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"Ziva". Kabir said softly as she sits on the hospital bed, numbly, "It's not your fault, sweetheart".

"You are saying that the fact that my father tried to buy his mother and then continue to torture her through his grandparents is not my fault? The fact that my sick father took a new born from his mother and then asked his grandparents to hurt him is not my fault!?"

"That's exactly what I am saying. You know me, Ziva. I don't say or do things I don't mean".

"He showed me her picture". She stressed, "He said she was going to be my mother soon, Kabir! I actually thought she might just be that. I wanted my sick father who tortured and kept me in the dungeon to bring me a mother. His mother".

She was shouting. Because her heart was beating so loud and thoughts were causing a strain on her. She thought if she shouts she might just close her thoughts off.

"It doesn't matter now. They are safe and happy for years. They put their past in the past where it belongs".

"Don't you see it?" She cried, "I am a reminder of their past. The past they buried and healed from. The past that alter each of their lives. I am the reminder of their suffering. I am someone who is opening their old wound. You want me to go back and pretend like nothing happened. But that's not the case. Every time they will look at me they will remember".

She was hysterical. She couldn't stop crying. She couldn't stop shivering. She couldn't stop the memories once Kabir filled the gaps. The part of her life that she had blocked away to not suffer anymore was out in the open. Her wounds were bleeding.

"Does he know?" She asked in a low whisper, "Is that why he hated me?"

Kabir eyes narrow at her words and she saw the change in him. His body tightened at her words and his expression changed murderous. Something that she had seen when he stood between her and her father that night he rescued her.

"Explain". It was word that carried so much power that now she was shivering for entirely different reason

"It's nothing". She lied because she wasn't going to let Kabir hurt her husband, "Ignore that".

"No". Kabir said harshly, "Either you explain exactly what he did/say or I swear I will find it out my way which won't be pretty".

"Kabir please. I hurt his family. He was just angry".

"He hurt you". It was a statement and the expression on his face said he was planning on how he was going to get a payback on her behalf, "He is going to pay for this".

"No!" She shouted as she stands from the bed, "He is not paying for anything anymore".

"He will". Kabir snapped, "You are my daughter even if we are not related by blood. You are my daughter. He hurt you and he is going to pay for it. I warned him".

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 2: In the Abyss (completed)Where stories live. Discover now