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3 months later:

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3 months later:

It's been the longest three months of his life. Each day felt like a year. He was barely holding on the hope that she was meant for him. That she will forgive him. That she loves him.

Each night he torture himself by remembering all the details about her that he never focused on. Each night he lays in bed with his mind and soul consumed by her. Her beautiful eyes used to showcase so much. He had often seen her eyes brightening and they would wrinkle at the end. Her forehead scrunches whenever she is thinking about something or wondering in her world. He would often stalk her around the hospital whenever he had time on his hand.

This was one of the reason he asked Kabir to find more efficient doctor so he could stalk in peace. After the incident where she was locked for hours in basement he was paranoid. He even had his guard dress as staff and roam around her when he wasn't there. Even though at first he used the excuse of her safety slowly it changes into his newest obsession. He would find ways to be free just so he can hide and watch her. Especially whenever she takes a nap in between long hours. He loves sitting by her side mesmerized by her.

He would often try to put his coat or bring a spare comforter for her. He would constantly worry that she wasn't comfortable enough. He even got a couple of pillows on the bed she always uses and restrict anyone else to do so. He didn't like how she never uses his office even when he said it was fine with him. He doesn't blame her. He was an idiot.

That's pretty much how his memories goes every night. He would start from remembering something beautiful to turning it back to something bad.

Which is why he took a extended vacation from the hospital. He couldn't work when he was losing his mind. He was losing his life (her) in front of his eyes. Even when he was trained and he trained himself to never react, he cannot do that when it comes to her.

He had tried reaching Kabir uncle through all means. He went to his office, his house and every place he could possibly think of. Kabir never met him. He would just struggle and fight his guards and then get thrown on the street. He would often get hurt in the process but he never stopped. His father told him that the day he was ready to let her go only then he should quit all his efforts. He was ready to let her go. The thought alone pierce his heart and spread a new wave of pain.

He heard a loud thunder outside that jolt him out of his thoughts. He heard his phone ringing and he looks at the clock that shows it's 3am. He picked his phone up and his heart almost stopped.

Kabir is calling him.

He immediately answered the call ready to say something but stopped when Kabir spoke, "You know she is afraid of thunderstorms" His breathing hitched, "It reminds her of the time she was alone and trapped all alone. Her bastard father used to be worse in these days. I heard this thunderstorms is the longest of them all".

That's all he heard before the line went dead. He barely was able to hold his heart hearing all that and before he could beg, Kabir was gone. He understands that the only reason Kabir called him was to hurt him. To show him how even if he desperately wants to reach her, he couldn't.

The Prestige Club (TPC)# 2: In the Abyss (completed)Where stories live. Discover now