Chapter 26. Ashamed

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Everything was going well with Jungkook, according to Jimin; for him, whatever the alpha has ever wanted from him, he is getting it. On top of that Jimin always giving him extra, but it doesn't mean that he is not enjoying the time he has spent with the younger until now.

But the problem is that his desires are not ending at all, but with every passing day, they are increasing.

Jimin never had any kind of a relationship before; he just had random flings with alphas in Paris because he was so young during his time in Korea that he never thought about anything like that for anyone, only had an innocent crush, which he can't deny that he still has, and that is none other than the handsome, savage, but soft-hearted alpha Min Yoongi, aka Agust-D, as he just released his album called D-day, in which he played a gangster character called Agust-D, so all his fans are now addressing him by this name in order to show respect to his outstanding performance as Agust-D in the album, and the result of his fans's love has already made it one of the super hit albums globally.

So now Jimin knows that he doesn't have any chance as he's already married and Yoongi has so many beautiful omegas everywhere screaming and dying for him, and why would he even have to glance at Jimin's way after getting all that fame?

So oblivious to the real facts and unaware of the feelings the alpha still has for the omega, Jimin behaves casually with his crush, who has become his good friend now, but Jimin's innocent, cute actions made the alpha skip his heartbeats every single time they met, which was not much by the way, as he is always busy.


As always, Jimin was practising a song that one of the writers wrote for him, especially for his debut, which will happen in four months, and Jimin has to work on his first ever music video where he has to sing, dance, act, and play his cello.

Then gradually he will launch his other songs, and finally by the next year's autumn he will launch his album, so lots of work is in hand for him, and he has to focus on his career for now, which he always dreamed about.

But when he was standing in a recording cabin for recording a paragraph of his first song, someone walked inside quietly and came standing in front of the raw in the studio, observing the omega behind the glass and listening to his angelic voice, which he had admired from the beginning.

And when Jimin was done singing the paragraph he had called for, he opened his eyes to get okayed by the music director, and at that time his eyes met with the alpha he has always had a crush on, the famous Agust-D, standing tall in the front while stuffing his hands in his pocket and smiling at him softly.

And of course, a beautiful smile crept on the omega's gorgeous face, making his grey eyes look like a crescent moon shape, making every alpha present in the studio coo at the innocent beauty.

The director shows the okay sign with a satisfied smile to Jimin, and then the omega walks out from the recording cabin to the studio, where his friend is standing.

"Hey, what are you doing here, Mr. Famous Agust-D?" Jimin said teasingly, then giggled at his friend, who is standing there with a pout and an offended expression on his face.

"Yaah! Leave it already, Jimin; come, let's have coffee together." Yoongi offered and started walking towards the exit. Jimin looked at the director for permission and got a nod and a shoo sign in return. This made Jimin giggle, and he walked out happily, following his friend to the cafeteria.


"Where were you these days, Yoongi-ah?" Jimin asked while sipping his coffee, which asked to make without sugar or milk, maintaining his diet. Oblivious to the loving expressions in the alpha's eyes, Yoongi was watching Jimin holding the hot cup of coffee with his two tiny little hands and sipping with his beak-like lips, then licking them to savour the taste. Then, making eye contact with him was actually unknowingly stirring something up in Alpha.

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