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Tina made her way through the sea of sweating bodies, approaching the guy seated at a very dark corner in the club house, he appears to be groping and kissing the neck of the woman straddling him but Tina could tell that he was feeding on her, she's probably one of his girls,she pretended not to see anything, calmly sitting beside him clearing her throat loudly, he turned in irritation but it disappeared once he saw her, " Tina honey, you are here? " she nodded, he sent the girl away, "So what brings my Queen to my palace today?" she took his words as a joke and spoke, "I need you to find information on someone for me" he nodded, she continued " someone has been tailing me and people around me, I need you to find out who, do this and you don't owe me anymore " he smiled, " Don't worry, I will find this information for you for free but on the condition that am still owing you, deal? " Tina looked at him for some time, " why are you looking at me like that, don't tell me you are in love with me" she scoffed at him " you kept hanging this favour over your head, why, did you do anything wrong to me? " a trace of guilt flashed through his eyes but he covered it up, too late because Tina obviously saw it well but she kept mute " okay deal, when I need another favour am coming and then we are done " she stood up immediately and left without looking back missing the tired expression on the guy's face, his phone rang, when he saw the screen, anger convulsed through him but he still gritted his teeth to answer it " hi boss.... of course..... she just left.... okay" he hanged up and smashed his phone on the ground, " Am sorry Tina, I failed you" he said panting.
As Tina was walking to the door, she saw a familiar figure going into one of the rooms there with a lady,a vampire she noticed, she made to ignore them after all it isn't her business but she came back awhile cussing under her breath and followed them quietly,they entered into a room, Tina waited a bit and as soon as she sensed danger, she burst inside just in time to see the girl trying to sank her fangs into him, "Lady, I wouldn't do that if I were you" the lady's eyes blazed red at the interruption "And who they fuck are you imp? " Tina laughed and before you know it, she dragged the lady up by her collar "when I say you leave, you should leave before I get mad, and I assure you sweetie, you don't wanna see me mad" she pushed her down making her to collide with the table edge with her waist before getting up holding her waist and running away, " Coward, what's wrong with vampires these days" she looked at the dazed  Domique, she snapped her fingers in front of him, and once he came about, he was surprised on seeing her, " Miss Valentina?, how did.. what happened? " she shrugged her shoulders, then she sensed many people heading inside there, she immediately grabbed his hand dragging him into the wardrobe with her, Domique wanted to ask her what she was doing but a cold finger immediately shushed him up, he started at her entrancing face before he heard the loud bang of the door being opened forcefully " where is the bitch? " a male voice asked " she was here with him, she beat me up and snatched my prey from me " another voice female said " perhaps they left, come on, we will find another one"
"we will let her go just like that? "
" what else can I do, they area here, come on don't be angry okay " then they left, Domique let  go of the breath he was holding, he made to go but Tina shook her head, he became still again, he then noticed that Tina was sweating, her forehead furrowed tightly, eyes shut, he tapped her to know if she was fine but she didn't answer, he tries to touch her but she opened the wardrobe and ran out, he tried to follow her immediately but fell down and when he came out, she was no where to be found not even her shadow, he left with his car immediately.

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