Chapter 5: Aydin

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I'm up late reading a book in my room when someone knocks on my door. It's probably Mother with a snack or something. "Come in," I say.

Taylor enters my room and shuts the door behind him, leaning back on it. "So Aydin, anything interesting happen today for you?"

I look up from my book. "Not that I recall. What's it to you?"

"Oh, nothing. I just think something rather interesting occurred. Well, almost," he replies, a taunting glint in his eyes.

Tilting my head, I stare at him in confusion. "What're you talking about? Did something happen to you today?"

"Not to me, dear brother," he snickers. "I'm talking about your little excursion with the King at the lake today."

I scoff. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

He's onto me, I think. I avert my eyes and focus on my book, needing to keep a good poker face. I was hoping nobody would find out about my feelings for Archie and his feelings for me. This sort of thing wouldn't be well accepted in the kingdom, especially with Archie's position as King. With the way he acts, it's easy to forget he reigns over this place.

"Oh, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. And you've been hiding this for a long time, haven't you?" Taylor asks.

He's right. I have been hiding this for a long time. I've been hiding it since I was fourteen. Well, hiding my feelings at least. This thing going on between me and Archie has only been around for a week or so. Neither of us has said explicitly that we have feelings for each other, but our actions speak for us. It started with holding hands that day last week, and we were so close to kissing today.

Some screeching floozy stopped us short, but I'm kind of glad she did. Had Taylor seen Archie and me kiss, things might be worse than being interrogated right now. Still, I have to play dumb.

"I really have no idea what you're speaking of," I answer, looking back up at Taylor now.

I'd use my ability to give him some thought, like that I know he still sleeps with a stuffed animal. I know it isn't that embarrassing, but I doubt he'd want people finding out about that. In fear of dealing with another horrible headache, I refrain from implanting any thoughts in his head. Even though we're inside, it could still happen. It only being able to happen is just a theory, after all.

"Since you seem to be a bit slow tonight, I'll put it into simple words for you," he says, obviously holding back a devious grin. "I know you almost kissed Archie."

My face drains of its color. I chew on my lip and look at my book again. Shit, he knows. How do I lie my way out of this? "I seriously don't know what you're on about."

"Do I really need to dumb it down more for you?" he asks.

I gaze up at him, trying to hide the truth that's begging to be freed. His icy eyes are slicing into my soul, and even though we have the same eyes, his stare still intimidates me. "Yes, I think you do," I reply.

He lets out an exasperated sigh and says, "You were about to kiss Archie while you two were at the lake. I was there and you saw me, so stop trying to get out of this. You both saw me, so there's no use in trying to convince me that it wasn't you. After Caitlin screamed, you both looked over, got up, and ran like cowards. Now, I'm not going to tell anyone about this..."

I let out a breath. "Oh, that's gr–"

"You didn't let me finish. I won't tell anyone if you help me out with something.

"Huh? Like what?" I inquire.

He shrugs. "I don't know yet. Do you agree?"

"How can I agree to this if I don't even know what I'm helping you out with?"

Taylor smirks. "Trust your brother, will you?"

"I guess..."

With that, he sees himself out of my room and the click of the door closing just about sets me off. I'm not sure whether to feel angry, sad, or just plain upset. If this gets out, Archie's position as King will be compromised and the blame will most likely fall on me. He may not blame me, but the kingdom will and so will I.

I'm gnawing on my lip now, the tension inside of me becoming readily apparent. It isn't exclusively my fault but I hate to blame Archie for this. Maybe nobody is to blame. It was just bad timing.

Bad timing, yeah.

That's what it was.

The real thing to worry about is trusting Taylor. Now that he knows about this, he could tell anyone at any given time. Agreeing to his deal is overall a bad idea for quite a few reasons. He's not one to stick to his word but what choice do I have? I have to agree with him. The possibility of it not getting out is better than knowing I'm doomed.

Maybe I'm doomed either way. He could choose something terrible for me to do, and I'll be damned if I said I wouldn't do it. If it means saving Archie's reputation, I'll do anything.

If this brings me down, so be it. All that matters is that Archie ends up alright.

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