Chapter 42: Taylor

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Christian knocked out Aster and Aydin since they were constantly double-teaming me. It was such a hassle to bring my brother back to the shack, but it's worth it. We're using him as bait to get Archie here, but I'd much rather kill Aydin now.

It's the following morning and I'm growing rather impatient. Christian and I finally have a chance to kill my brother, and he won't let me go through with it. He has a decent reason for it, and I admit it would be even more fun to watch Archie squirm as he watches his lover die. Killing Archie right after would almost spoil the fun. Why not torture him more before we end his life? But we can do that without making him watch Aydin die.

Looking at my still-unconscious brother, now tied to one of the two chairs we have here, I purse my lips. "Really, can't we just kill him now and get it over with?" I ask Christian.

"Isn't it more fun to watch him suffer first?" Christian laughs. "Besides, we need to get Archie to come here. I want to lure him here and then kill both of them. A twisted way to end their story, isn't it?"

Christian almost giggles as he says that last sentence. "Once Archie is dead, I can take the throne. I was his squire, after all. Everyone in the castle knows me, they've known me forever. Seeing that Archie quite obviously has no heir to the throne, I'll step up."

"I'll rule along with you, won't I?" I ask him.

He laughs loudly, sounding almost maniacal, like this is the funniest thing he's ever heard. "Of course not, you've never experienced anything near leadership, let alone ruling a kingdom."

"You've always said that we could conquer this world together!" I yell.

Christian rolls his eyes. "Please, Taylor. Would you stop making such a fuss? I'm the only one fit to rule Galariesse. We both know that Archie is no longer fit to rule, seeing he's obviously too weak to take care of his people and win fights."

"You're so full of shit, Christian. You said we'd conquer Galariesse and all of its land, ruling side by side. An all-powerful empire that we would build together," I shoot back."

"Oh, I suppose I told a little fib. Taylor, I love you, but you'd only be holding me back," he says in the calmest voice.

I slap him across the face, growing angrier with each passing second. He grits his teeth and glares at me. A horrible pain begins to throb in my head, worse than any other I've experienced before, even worse than the headaches he's inflicted on me prior to us becoming a team. "How does it feel to be on the receiving end of my wrath?" he sneers.

"You son of a bitch," I growl, leaning against the wall and sinking to the floor.

"Don't like it, hm? I'd suggest that you just listen to what I tell you and go along with it. You wouldn't be getting any revenge without me, you know. You're too much of a coward to do it by yourself," he taunts.

Closing my eyes, flashbacks of all the times I had the chance to kill Aydin appear in my mind. I always backed out at the last second. I hate my brother more than anything, so why haven't I just taken the initiative and killed him already? Christian's voice breaks through my thoughts, "Why don't you admit to me what's already been established through your actions?"

I cover my face with my hands. This bastard is fucking with me. Yet, even through my pain, I know exactly what he's referring to. And, unfortunately, it's true. I mumble, "I need you."

"Speak up, would you?" Christian says, his tone aggressive.

"I need you," I repeat, louder this time.

He snickers. "Good, I'm glad you know that. Why don't you start acting like it again? We both know you're a coward that follows behind everyone else, so get back into your place, you hear me? I am the driving force in this partnership, and you are nothing more than a sidekick, afraid to do any of the real dirty work himself." He walks over to Aydin and peers down at him. "You two look so much alike, but one deserves to die more than the other. Wake him up."

Christian's eyes flick to me and he gives me a stern glare. My headache quickly subsides and I stand up. I step over to my brother and light my hand. First, Aydin gets it, then it's Christian's turn. I'll show him what a coward I am.

While my love for Christian is strong enough to make me stay, he needs to know that I'm not backing down from the challenge that he just presented me with.

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