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Gabriella opened her eyes for another day at King's Dominion. She began removing her pjs, leaving her with underwear only and she stared at herself in the mirror. She was too skinny, way too skinny, but in her eyes, she didn't see herself the same way, others did. She could always find some meat to pinch on, saying to herself that she has to lose it.
She was deep in her thoughts, but put them aside, to get ready for the school day. She put her uniform and made her way to the rooftop. Gabriella always makes sure she has time to go to the rooftop, before school, to smoke a cigarette or two. It helps her clear her mind.
I made my way to my dorm after the long school day, thank god I had my own dorm. Right when I was about to get undressed, a monk knocked at my door, telling me that Master Lin wanted to see me. I made my way to Lin's office and knocked on his door. I went inside and there I saw Saya, Maria, Billy and Willie. "You wanted to see me, sir." I said, while walking towards my friends.
"Gabriella..." He began, walking around his office. "You know I trust you, right?" Lin stopped in front of me. "Of course, sir." I answered, growing anxious. "I have a mission for you and your friends. This boy. His name is Marcus Lopez Arguello." He said, giving us a folder with information about the boy.
"He killed all the kids from the Sunset's boy home. We need him here. I can trust y'all, right?" He said, looking around us.
"Yes, sir." I answered. "Good. I am waiting for you tonight. You're dismissed." He said, sitting on his chair.
All of us were at the centre of San Francisco, preparing to literally kidnap that Marcus boy. I was looking around the crowd and there he was. He was wearing a blue jacket and his hood was on his head. "It's show time, people!" I smirked and took my position.
The boy was just walking around, until, Maria showed up in front of him, dancing seductively, winning all of his attention. The boy looked drunk, maybe, high? His staring contest with Maria got interrupted by Willie. "Yo, you've been made." Willie said and turned around, to look at the police officers, who instantly caught Marcus' attention and he began running away.
It was finally my time to shine. I got on my motorcycle and followed Marcus to a parking lot. I saw him and I drove right where he was and he covered himself, thinking I would drive past him. I stopped, looked at him and said "Get on."
Soon after the place was filled with police officers. "Police! Don't move! Put your weapons on the ground!" And with that, I stood up from my motorcycle, put my katana next to it and slowly walked towards them with my hands in the air.
Right when one of them was about to cuff me, I started fighting for my life, literally. I managed to take all of them down and when I turned around, I saw Willie and Billy walking over to Marcus and putting a bag over his head.
We were back at the place, ready to welcome Marcus into our school. "Don't look like no psychopath to me." Willie exclaimed and I answered "Can't judge a book by its cover." And with that, Billy took a part in the conversation "But you can judge one by its smell."
Willie removed the bag from Marcus' head and I instantly heard Maria's voice "He's cute." Followed by Billy "Yeah. Total 'Hobo Fancy' cover boy material." Willie turned to Marcus and asked "What you say, mad dog? You the psycho that did the boys' home massacre?"
"Pretty tough barking at a dude tied to a chair. Marcus finally spoke. "Untie this punk-ass bitch." Willie said and Billy walked over Marcus "All right, but my money's on Hepatitis Harry."
"Forgive my students." I heard Master Lin, behind us. "They forget that viciousness serves only to make them look weak. Billy, if you'd be so kind." After Master Lin's words, Billy made his way to Marcus and cut the rope from his hands.
"Are you satisfied with your life?" Master Lin asked Marcus, while sitting on a chair, in front of him. "Yeah. I eat trash and I sleep in piss. Everything according to plan." Marcus answered and I stepped in front, while Saya put her hand over my body, trying to stop me "Speak to Master Lin with respect." I hissed and Marcus instantly hit me with "Master Lin can eat my shit."
"Who the hell are you people?" The curly haired boy asked. "What's important is that we know who you are, Marcus." Lin answered. "And that we know what you've done. You're a killer." Marcus just continued staring at Master Lin, coldly. "Few value this particular proficiency, but I do." Master Lin continued.
"What if I told you there's a home for people like you? A school where you'd be surrounded by your peers." Marcus carefully listened and opened his mouth to speak "Only what? I dress up like a Viking so you can take tasteful pictures?"
"I'm offering you a chance to harness that fire inside you. You master the deadly arts. " Master Lin began, trying to convince Marcus. "The deadly arts, yeah. That, uh- that sounds great. You know, this all seems really sane and normal," Marcus said, standing from the chair, grabbing his backpack. "and y'all look like a fun bunch, but, uh...whatever this is..later days." With that, he walked out.
"That son of a bitch stole my wallet." Willie said and I just chuckled. This boy Marcus is definitely a mess.
author's note: ayeeee first part, hope you like it!