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A little bit after Marcus left, all of us were about to leave, but Master Lin called me. "Gabriella, find him and bring him back here, understood?" "Yes, sir." I answered. "I know I can trust you." He said. And with that I left his office, trying to find Marcus.
I found Marcus in this large, high tower. He was about to kill himself. Standing there, looking at the ground for maybe 15 minutes. I stood there, watching him, until I decided to speak up. "What are you waiting for?" He flinched. "Jesus Christ!"
"What the hell?" He hissed. "Sorry. Is this kind of a private moment? I'd let you jump, but Lin says I got to bring you back." I said. "Yeah, well, Lin's going to be disappointed." He answered, looking at the ground. I walked towards him and said "Master Lin can protect you from the cops, and once he's done with you, you'll be able to protect yourself from anyone."
"Not to be a dick, but what do you have to lose?" I asked, looking into his teary eyes. "Nothing." He answered my question, beginning to step to the front. "Wait!" I said, grabbing his hand and moving him away. "Just hear me out, okay? I know all that terrible shit in your head." I said and he cut me off with "What do you know?"
I looked at him to answer "I know you don't have anyone. I didn't, either." I grabbed his hand, moving closer to him. "You don't have to be alone." I slowly leaned and kissed him. It's not like I have feelings, I just had to bring him back, right?
We arrived back at the place and I already started telling him the rules. "Master Lin has a basic code of conduct. There's one thing you cannot do. Give up our location and we will kill you." I saw Billy standing in front of the shop and he joined our conversation "Like, full-on 'Conan the Barbarian' style. Like, you will be eviscerated. Lin's family has been eviscerating people for centuries. They really love it."
We began walking inside and spotted Willie "Lin don't flex. Got a worldwide rep to maintain." He said. "The rest of the rules are simple. No disobedience, no drugs and no sex." I continued. "We find ways around the last one." Maria said, twirling her hair between her fingers.
"Well, hopefully not in here." Marcus said, looking around all the dead meat, hanging in the room. We all looked at him and he said, confused "What is this?" Shortly after, a monk come into the room and I said "Welcome to King's Dominion."
The next day, I walked in the halls and saw Marcus, picking up his books from the ground. "Hey, Gabriella, what's up?" He said and I just walked passed him. I can't talk to him, it's going to ruin my reputation. He is just a rat after all. "Yakuza don't consort with wetbacks, dipshit." I heard Brandy say.
I was looking around my books in my locker, until I saw Maria talking to Marcus and Chico a few meters away from them. This girl is up to no good. I saw Chico walking up to them and pinning Maria to the lockers. Marcus tried to stand up for Maria, but he just received a punch in his stomach and soon after they poured some kind of liquid on his head.
I had to step in. "Hey, Chico! Jesus, you never get tired of bullying, do you?" I said, walking in front of Marcus. "Protecting the Rat? Since when does Yakuza stand up for Rats?" He questioned, holding his knife to my neck. "It doesn't matter, Chico. Leave him alone." I warned and his eyes went from me, to Marcus. "Do I have to repeat myself?" I asked, grabbing his throat. With that, he pulled away his knife and walked away from us.
"Thanks." Marcus said. "No need to thank me. Go and change your uniform, before you're late to class. And please, don't get into shit with Chico, he's not playing around." I answered and walked away.
Our first class was AP Black Arts with Master Lin. I wasn't paying attention at all, until I heard a loud noise. Lin hit Brandy's nose with his cane, because she handed a note to Marcus. Master Lin hates notes in his class. I chuckled under my breath, this bitch deserves it.
"Your homework tonight, half your semester grade, will tell me who you really are. Use your training. Search the city for a worthy target. Someone you think deserves to die, and kill them." The bell rang. "Discard the body, hide all evidence. Bring me proof." Master Lin said and all of us walked out of the classroom. Thank God he told me I didn't have to do this homework, since I'm going to be dealing with Marcus' shit, all school year
author's note: sorry for the wait, hope you like it🩷