I 🪷 He DOES Drool in His Sleep!

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chapter I

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chapter I

🌸  Her first nightmare started like this.

She was standing at the base of some muddy hill. Every fibre in her body was screaming at her to move, and the reflex to try and run made her body ache.

Actually, I'm kind-of tired... her mind would reason with itself. No, I don't think I want to run, actually, thank you. Her blood pulsed and yet her mind was relaxed. Her core tugged and tugged on her to run, and yet she stayed idle.

Why would I want to run, anyway? She humbly pondered as her soul tried to escape. Surely I can just as easily make it up this hill by walking, right?

About a couple of seconds of internal tug-of-war lead to reasonably nothing. She stood at the base of the hill, in a stance she could've assumed held her arms crossed over her chest.

Yeah, no, the top of the hill seemed quite far away... Daphne was tired, she must've had a long day before...

She stood beneath the looming shade of Thalia's pine tree, glorious as it stood alone yet perfectly comforted.

A chill ran down Daphne's spine as she saw the tree leaves rustle. Suddenly, she longed to feel the bark of the tree beneath her fingertips. Every night after finally making it to camp, she sat beneath the tree and almost drifted off into such a euphoric haze, holding onto Thalia's tree trunk like it was a lifeline. And right now, she wanted nothing more than to hold the tree again.

Actually, maybe running wouldn't be so bad. I mean, I really want to sit under that tree right now . . . there's a perfect spot, right between the sun and shade . . . yes, Daphne was beginning to realize that she so desperately wanted to be up the hill now. There was no greater comfort than the smell of its pine sap and the uncomfortable feel of bark digging into her back as she rested on it.

Miraculously, her body surged forward and Daphne began to walk up the hill. Each footstep took a heartbeat in heaviness, and she quickly grew tired. It was almost like the hill way growing, further and further out of her reach . . .

The Siren of the Summer Tide🌺Percy Jackson Where stories live. Discover now