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I walk inside after Ollie drops me off. He's really nice to be honest. I like his hair. See everything will be fine with this new team. Great.

I walk to Mack's room to tell her goodnight but she's already asleep. I walk down the hall to my mom's room to tell her about today but she must still be at her shift at the hospital.

My mom works as an orthopedic surgeon at Edgewood Hospital. She's smart as fuck, I could never. Mack is really smart too but I guess I got my dad's genes with that one. Which is very unfortunate.

Ever since I was young, hockey has been my life. Up until recently I was living with my dad and I enjoyed my time with him. I almost worshipped the ground he walked on, just because he was so amazing at hockey. But we had a falling out a few months ago when I was at summer camp. I haven't talked to him since.

I go to my room and turn on the light. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. I'm so tired. Hockey was exhausting and it's only the first practice. It's only Monday.

I mean I love hockey. I love it. I'm just so tired for some reason. After the mental turmoil my father had put me through, I have been so exhausted, both mentally and physically. I'm hoping what Ollie said about the team is true because I really need to get out of this hole.

I leave the bathroom and change out of my clothes. I only sleep in boxers because I get to hot at night. It's like I'm in an oven.

I drift asleep within minutes. I'm so exhausted.

I wake up to the sunrise spilling in past my curtains. I really should've bought black out curtains. I sit upright and rub my eyes.

I get up and walk to the bathroom, still half asleep. I brush my teeth and fix my messy hair.

I throw on a sweatshirt and some shorts since it's technically still warm enough and make my way downstairs. I get greeted by Mack already dressed and ready to go.

"Mack, why are you all ready? And why are you wearing so much make up?" I question.

"Is wearing make up a crime Charlie? No? I didn't think so. Can't I look pretty once in a while?" She said, with angry eyes.

"Are you blind? You already are pretty, you don't need makeup." I say, because it's true. I just hope this isn't for some dumb middle school boy.

"Agree to disagree." She shrugs. She still didn't answer my earlier statement but I'm not one to push.

"Where's mom?" I ask.

"Probably already working. So that means you have to take me to school." She says with a smile.

I don't mind taking Mack to school. It's technically on the way and I'm not in a rush so whatever.

I make some cereal for myself and then once I'm finished, I go to find my school stuff.

I pick out some black cargo pants and a gray band tee. I love band tees, I wear them all the time.

"Mack let's go!" I say when I make it downstairs again.

I move to the garage and she's not far behind.
We get in my car and then soon enough I'm making my way to school.

I walk into the doors of my high school and immediately wanna go back outside. I hate school. Again I'm not very smart so hockey is all I've got. I can barely pass any of my classes without a tutor. It's embarrassing.

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