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I am taking my online classes as corona virus is on peak in India so our schools were closed. Suddenly my phone starts buzzing but I declined the call, I got a text, " hey, good morning kitten". I found myself blushing over that text so ignoring my red tomato like cheeks, I replied, "good morning... will ttyl ". I was back to my online classes, after finishing I called KARTIK. He didn't answer my call,but i understand he might be busy in his exams and stuff.
My mom called me, "Radhika,come downstairs and have lunch!", so I went to take my lunch leaving my phone in my room.My mom and I started chatting a lil bit , then i took shower...all this took me an hour and half. I returned to my room and started doing homework and practice paper as I am going to give boards this year, I didn't check my phone and slept. In the evening, I saw there were more than 30+ texts on my chat. I was happy and worried too like,what the hell happened? Is he got into some problem? Did I do something wrong? Is he worried about me? What is it? So I tap on the notifications and I really was overwhelmed seeing he has written paragraphs for apologizing , if he had done something wrong that's why I am not talking to him,telling me how much he loves me and how this distance will be over one day between us. I was so happy and I burst into tears after reading each and every message of him. I dialed his number, he picked up my call and said,"Hey, are u fine baby? Where were you?". I replied," Hello! I am fine,thanks. But how many times do I have to tell you to not call me with such cringe names. I am not your kitten or baby.My name is Radhika, so call me with that only,otherwise you better know me.....And tell me one thing who gave you right to call me all that, I am talking to you casually because we are related some how and it's your problem if you have feelings for me not mine, so just talk to me casually. He replied me,"yeah its fine, you don't like me but that can't change my feelings for you. Atleast try to talk to me, try to know me, I know you are so arrongant,have anger issues and may be there's something you haven't told anyone but it's bothering you inside out. We can be casual friends right." So tell me how was your day. I was so numb after listening to him. I never thought someone can handle my attitude, anger like that, but I don't know why is he even trying to know me when he just wants casual relationship just like other boys these days. Although I started talking to him,giving all this chance and trying to become casual friends with him.

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