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billy thought it might be a stretch, but in the end he really needed to talk to the boy. so, at that exact moment he is riding his bike in the pouring rain.

the used to be soft droplets is now bullets of water. billy had a surge of confidence after reading what finney and bruce texted him.

his mind went immediately to think that he needed to see griffin right away. he could've waited, yet billy never really thinks about the smart decision.

besides, who would wait to spill their feelings and get together with someone you've been gushing over since you've seen them? definitely not billy.

his bike stopped right at his destination. billy's clothes sticking to his skin.

the rain still lashed out at him, telling him he should've not even stepped outside. billy ran up to the porch that he wished he could see everyday.

his shoes squishing every step, making billy cringe. he made it to the tan door, lightly knocking a few times.

billy waited a few seconds to hear just the sound of his heart beating, feeling like it would pop right out of his chest.

he raised his hand to repeat the action, that was until the door swung open. however it wasn't the person he hoped it would be.

vance's hair is ruffled and messy, as if he was rolling around in his blanket. his eyebrows furrowed into an emotion billy couldn't quite put a finger to.

some might say it is a look of anger, but what some might say is wrong. vance isn't just anger, he has other emotions, just like every other human being.

"billy? what are you doing here?" vance voice aroused with confusion. he stared almost scaringly at billy.

billy noticed that the taller boy had blue eyes just like griffin. they may be step siblings, but they really do look alike.

"i, was just- can i see griffin?" billy stumbled over his words, trying to shift the letters into something that might not send him home with a black eye.

vance eyes scanned over his face, searching for an answer to why. "sure, i guess." he moved out of the doorway.

billy quietly stepped inside, the air conditioning punching him in the face.

the house was cozy, not like 'live laugh love' cozy. the house was like a home you could feel safe at after a terrible day.

billy turned around to see vance softly shutting the tan door. he stared until their eyes met, silently asking.

vance motioned his head to the stairs, answering the look of 'can i see griffin now?'.

billy smiled, fast walking the stairs. step by step he realized he had no idea what to say.

wanna date? no, that sounds like what a player would say.

finney and bruce told me that you liked me, and i like you too! no, he doesn't want to snitch on finney and bruce.

his foot reached the final step, billy took all those thoughts and shoved them into the back of his brain.

he'll think of something on the go, that's what he does. usually it goes well.

he reached the door, a sign made out of a single sheet of white paper hung up with tape stuck to the door. with scribbled handwriting it read, 'tuesdays it's your turn to do the laundry.' at the bottom of the paper a single letter was wrote, 'v'.

billy tapped the door, seeking permission to enter. "come in!" he opened the door, seeing a boy sit on a made bed with a book in his hands.

griffin looked up, widening his eyes once he realized whom he shared the room with. "oh." he mumbled, looking down at the white comforter.

"can i sit down?" billy liked to make sure he wasn't crossing any lines between comfort and uncomfortable.

griffin didn't say a word, just nodded his head. billy sat down on the edge of the bed, a couple inches separating the two of them.

"so," griffin put his book onto his nightstand before billy could continue with his sentence. "um, i want to talk, about the, you know, kiss?" he gulped, not sure if those were the words he imagined in his mind.

"yeah." griffin muttered, still not looking eye to eye with the other, embarrassment was running through his head.

"i like you." billy uttered. he needed to say it or he would combust. griffin felt a slight heat rush to his cheeks.

"i like you too, i mean, you probably already knew." griffin looked up at the brown eyes that had a comforting look in them.

billy inched a little closer, the bed being pressed into it's metal frame. "what are we?" he asked carefully.

"what do you want to be?" griffin whispered, not answering, but rewording the question. billy swallowed hard, maybe too hard.

"a little something more than friends?" he answered, his heart being louder than his words. "boyfriends?" billy responded to his own words.

griffin turned his gaze towards the carpeted floor. "i would like that." billy smiled, hearing the exact sentence he hoped for.

he grazed his fingers against the other's chin, lightly turning griffin to face billy. billy had way too much confidence at the moment.

he leaned in, brushing his lips against the cherry flavored chapstick covered one's. griffin nodded, answering to a question that wasn't asked.

billy pressed his lips against the younger boy's one's. a sweet delicate exchange, one that can be repeated until their final moments,

a kiss.


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