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Jimin was having a hard time sleeping ever since they got back from the States. Maybe it was the jet lag, or maybe his body clock was fucked up. He didn't care. He locked himself in the studio, writing the song that he knew was something that he'd want Yoongi to hear once he woke up. The others saw that but at this point in time he didn't care. He just wanted Yoongi.

"Jimin, you called for me?" Jungkook got to the studio where Jimin was with their producer, the multitude of soundwaves present in the studio. Jimin pulled him into the recording booth and asked him to record some background vocals for his song.

"Oh. This is a nice song Jimin... Is this for Yoongi?" Jungkook asked after he finished recording his background vocals and Jimin nodded, his body and mind too tired to speak. The younger of the two patted him on the back and made sure that his brother was okay. They didn't share the same blood but of course, being together for years in a boy band makes you already family. Jungkook didn't like seeing Jimin like this. He internally cursed whoever caused that accident.

After they finished recording, Jimin said his goodbyes and most likely would make his way to Yoongi's hospital room. On the other hand, Jungkook got out of the recording booth to head to his studio. Upon arriving there, he noticed that his door was slightly ajar. Remembering that he closed it, there was in no way someone would just waltz into his personal studio without his permission. Jungkook knew he was going to flip whoever went inside but the moment he saw that tuff of gray hair sitting on his computer chair, his anger went away.

"Tae, what are you doing here? I almost clobbered you" Jungkook said, making his way to Taehyung's side, who was looking through his computer with a serious face.

"Jungkook-ah... I'm having trouble right now... I don't know how to explain it" Taehyung uttered while trying to make himself look smaller on Jungkook's chair. Jungkook was concerned as this was the first time Taehyung wasn't his energetic self.

"Tell me what's wrong Tae." Jungkook said, approaching Taehyung and lifting him up effortlessly from the chair before sitting on it and putting the older one on his lap, his hands circling Taehyung's waist and giving a reassuring squeeze.

"I've been messing up so bad these days. While Jimin has been preparing a new song even with the whole Yoongi situation. He can still work while I have been getting sick every day. Even Jin has been working non-stop. I can't even take care of myself without bothering you guys..." Taehyung started, putting his palms on his face in frustration as Jungkook noticed tears slowly dripping down Taehyung's cheeks. Jungkook didn't like seeing Taehyung like this as this wasn't normal for the older one.

"Tae... You know everyone has their own pace, right? -" "But -" "No buts Taehyungie. You've helped the team so much that it wouldn't have been complete without you. So please... stop comparing yourself with the others. Please know that you are enough. You are best at what you do and nobody can say otherwise" Jungkook said, snuggling up to Taehyung's neck in an attempt to comfort the older one. He heard Taehyung sniffle but put down one of his hands to hold Jungkook's. This made him blush mad but he was happy that he could give Taehyung the comfort he deserved.

Oh. How he loves this man so much.


"Why are you even alive at this point? Your sister left because you are useless. Grow a fucking spine you piece of shit" Yoongi heard his mother curse at him while kicking him hard on the stomach. But the fact that he couldn't rebuke what they were saying was enough to know he was a coward. He could only follow what his parents were saying believing the toxic mindset that they instilled in him because that was the only thing that kept him knowing that he was still alive. The pain kept him alive. The irrevocable hatred his parents had towards him was the only thing that he could cling to.

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