Chapter 14: First Impressions

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Giselle found herself pacing as she awaited the Witch's arrival. They'd been waiting for over an hour for Valerie to show up. The moons were high in the sky now, bathing everything in soft white light. The usual sounds of the night had returned now that the vampire was dead. Every so often, she heard a coyote yip, or an owl screech. But there was no sound of an approaching horse.

"How do we know this witch hasn't just skipped town?" Captain Jora glowered at the empty street.

"She'll come. Valerie is good on her word," Klenden said.

"So I've heard," Giselle said.

"Someone's coming!" One of the guards stationed outside the gates said.

Sure enough, the distant sound of hooves on cobblestone drifted toward them with the gentle night breeze. Giselle couldn't think of a more intimidating sight as Valerie finally rode through the gate. Her steed was a glossy black Ruisian stallion, easily the biggest of his breed Giselle had ever seen. Sitting on her horse draped in black, she thought back to Lady Arabella's words—Valerie certainly did command a certain mystique.

As Valerie brought her horse to a stop, there was one detail about the horse that caught Giselle's eye. A raven was embossed on the bottom of the stirrups. As Valerie swung herself out of the saddle, she spotted the same insignia on the quiver at her back and embossed on the sheath of her blade. Giselle could have sworn she had seen it somewhere before. Where, though, she couldn't remember.

"Welcome to Labelle Manor, Huntress," Giselle said as Valerie turned to face her. "I wasn't aware anyone but royalty rode these horses. He's quite a precious steed for a bounty hunter."

"My family was honored to serve Clan Boucher. Were it not for him, I'd have died along with the rest of my people." Valerie stroked his nose and cheek. With her head turned to the side, Giselle could make out a thick, raised scar tracing her neck. Was that the wound that had taken her life before she was made undead? "Let's get this over with. You owe me money for a head."

"And you owe me information."

"I don't have that kind of time to divulge everything I've learned to you, Duchess."

"So you know something."

"Obviously I know something. But that doesn't mean you need to know everything."

"On the contrary, Miss Valerie, I believe it would be beneficial to all parties if we both share information with each other,"Auguste interjected. "We may even be able to help each other."

"Are you threatening me?" Valerie's expression darkened from a glower to a cold stare.

"Quite the opposite, Huntress. I'm proposing that we work together. Her Grace and I can give you resources from across the empire; money, weapons, soldiers, items of importance. And, we can offer you a place to stay wherever you go," Auguste said. Giselle's jaw dropped for the umpteenth time that evening. Auguste surely wasn't suggesting that they house a monster within their midst. If anyone found out what Valerie really was, their reputation would be in shambles. It was out of the question.

"Your Duchess doesn't seem too keen on the idea." Valerie crossed her arms. "How do I know this isn't a trap to try and destroy me?"

"You'd have to trust us," Giselle said.

Valerie turned and said something to Klenden. He responded calmly. They exchanged a few more words before she returned her gaze to Auguste. "For my own understanding; you're offering to house me and fund my hunt of the cult in exchange for information?"

"Precisely, Miss Valerie."

"But that means I would answer to you like a lackey, then, wouldn't it, Duchess?" Valerie scowled.

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