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Three strangers entered the clearing. The first male began advancing but fell back as he allowed a dark-haired man to take the lead. The last person was a woman, her fiery red hair being the most distinct feature. The first male stared at the family with wary eyes. The woman slightly cowered, yet the dark-haired man acted the opposite.

"We thought we heard a game," The dark-haired man spoke with a slight French accent. "I believe this belongs to you." He threw the missing ball over to Carlisle, who swiftly caught it.

"Thank you," Carlisle responded.

"I am Laurent," The man greeted. He gestured to the blond man and red-haired woman on either side of him. "These are James and Victoria."

"I'm Carlisle," The patriarch greeted. "This is my family. Esme, Alice and Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett, Driana and Bella, and Edward."

Driana continued to still her beating heart. She held back a smile when Carlisle introduced herself and Bella as part of his family. The gesture made the girl feel safer with the Cullens and Hales than ever, except the strangers. Their eyes were a deep red color. An unpleasant thought crossed Driana's mind, causing Edward to shift slightly. She imagined blood.

"What's your hunting range?" Laurent casually asked.

"The Olympic Range down to the Coast Ranges," Carlisle answered. "We have a permanent residence nearby. There's another nearby in Denali. If you'd like, you can come to our home, and we can explain how we've managed."

"That sounds very welcoming," Laurent agreed. "A permanent residence? Our hunt had begun from Ontario."

"Ah, yes," Carlisle acknowledged. "We try to stay unnoticed. However, your hunting activities have caused quite a stir for us."

"We won't trespass on your territory, only passing through," Laurent assured. "We have fed in Seattle, anyway."

Driana felt her breath hitch before trying to gain control. She took note of Jasper's stillness, obviously focused on controlling the situation before it escalated. The girl kept hidden, not wanting Jasper to lose concentration.

"Do you have room for a few more players?" Laurent inquired. "Just one game."

Everyone awaited Carlisle's response, who smiled. "Sure, why not? A few of us were leaving. You can take their place. We'll bat first." Carlisle tossed the ball, and Victoria caught it. She looked less alarmed when she first arrived.

"I'm the one with the wicked curve ball," She said arrogantly.

"We can handle that," Emmett matched her tone.

Everyone chuckled before the family and the strangers dispersed. Carlisle nodded at his sons to get the girls out of the field. Jasper did his best to continue his powers while leading Driana away. Then, a light breeze came.

"You brought a snack," James spoke, smiling devilishly at Bella.

He lurched forward, and the peace disappeared. The Cullens and Hales crouched down in protection mode, surrounding the girls. Driana lowered her cap down and shielded Bella behind her. Her actions didn't comfort Edward or Jasper, only making them more on edge with jaws clenched.

"What is this?" Laurent spoke, confused.

The three strangers looked past Driana and straight at Bella. The family realized the three hadn't caught a whiff of Driana's scent. Jasper took this as an opportunity to conceal Driana. Victoria lost all sense of calm, looking ready to escape. James and Edward glared at one another, alert to pounce on the other if necessary. Though, Laurent posed no threat but curiosity.

"It's a human."

"The girl is with us," Carlisle spoke, his friendly tone gone.

"I see the game is over," Laurent said. "However, we'd like to accept the invitation to your home. We will not hunt in your territory or harm the girl." He ignored the death stare that James sent him. "We have a lot to learn about each other."

"Of course," Carlisle said calmly. "We'll show you the way."

James stood straight up, and Edward followed after. Both vampires never broke contact. Driana looked over to Carlisle, who concealed a hesitant expression. Edward's brows furrowed as if opposing his father's decision. Driana could see him slightly incline his head in Jasper's direction.

"Jasper, Rosalie, Esme?" Carlisle called out for them.

Driana understood now. She and Jasper would separate until then. The blond had an agitated look on his face. He threw an apologetic look at Driana, who nodded in understanding. He didn't want to leave her. Not now, not when he vowed to protect her. Although, he couldn't disobey Carlisle. The blond followed his family and the two strangers who readied to leave. James took another chance, glimpsing at Bella before Emmett and Alice blocked his view. He sinisterly smiled at Edward before leaving with his coven and the family.

"Let's go, Bella," Edward said. He grabbed the frozen girl by the elbow.

Edward nodded at Driana, and the girl followed. Emmett stood close to Driana as a guard. Alice was in front, leading the group into the forest. Safely hidden in the treeline, Edward carried Bella while Emmett offered Driana a piggyback ride. With their vampiric speed, they raced to where Edward parked the jeep.

"That sucked," Driana wheezed out, motion-sick.

The girl got in the jeep, wanting to relax. Edward tossed Bella into the backseat, ordering Emmett to strap the girl in. Alice hadn't spoken yet, quietly sitting in the passenger side. Edward started the vehicle and sped off. The bronze-haired brother started muttering, pissed. Bella looked queasy with his driving, while Driana didn't mind. All she thought of were where everyone else could be. She only imagined them running in the forest.

"Where are we going?" Bella asked, not receiving a response. "Edward, turn around!"

"We're getting you far from here," Edward responded coldly.

Bella began thrashing in the seat, trying to unbuckle herself, but Emmett held her hands. "Edward, take me home!"

Driana sighed. "Don't you understand, Bella? Your life is in danger after being threatened by that vampire named James. You have no home."

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