Cien March Laws (StarNovkov6)

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Warning(s): Mentions of murder, mental illnesses and abuse.

Fandom: An original (future) story called ~Mirror Twin~. It's set in England, in a made-up town of Pacard Bell in the year of 1875 (later on it's the year of 1876). At the end of the project, though, we're taken to London in the year of 2020.

It follows the fate of Oliver March, a simple high-school student. His life was relatively normal. Until a series of murders, that is. News (ehem, more like newspapers...) reported that 10 people were killed and that there is a potential murderer on the loose.

Oliver then meets this murderer himself—it's his own twin-brother (a mirror spirit), who Oliver didn't even remember.

Then, life only gets worse for Oliver—he is manipulated by his twin to take lives, is reminded of his past and gets thrown into a psychiatric hospital as a paranoid schizophrenic.

Then, other characters' pasts get revealed (including the triplets—Oliver, his twin Mark, and Cien, their older brother).

In the end, however, with the help of Cien and one of his friends, Taylor, Oliver is set free. He can finally return to his normal life...while carrying the memories of all the events that have been happening to him up until this point with him.

In "another end" (it has two endings, basically), we learn that, actually, all the events that have been happening are no more than a simple book, written by a 21st century author. An author who always used original ideas for her books, rather than going the old traditional way of writing. An author who believes that our own lives are like books, and "...can end on our last page tomorrow.".

His world consists of three species: humans, vampires, who feed off of people's emotions and mirror spirits.

Only vampires and spirits can use magical abilities (and also humans, if they were turned into one of these beings).

Vampires and spirits have been at a "war" with each-other for a long time. Both races want to eliminate the other and hate each-other with a burning passion.

Vampires reside in the clan for such vampires. Their leader is Adelis Frelts.

They feed off of people's emotions and can use them for any goals they want—be it bad or good goals. They're also good at manipulating others because of this.

Their other powers are resurrecting the dead, distorting others' memories and instill (manipulate) them to do something (though this power wasn't used during the project) and normal magical powers.

When killing someone, they have the "Three Golden Rules"—resurrect (either their victim or another person), distort memories and then kill their victim.

Their weakness is low speed and the inability to teleport.

It is customary for members to call each-other "sister" and "brother" (excluding Adelis). It is also required that they have "Laws" as their other last name (excluding Adelis). Perhaps this is the sign that they must abide by the rules in the clan.

Spirits reside in mirrors—or, more concretely, in the Under Mirror World.

They can also use magic. Their leader, Linzhervi (Lin, for short)\"Diana" (alias) Kerish can also use black magic. She was also the one to kill Lucy because of her obsession with Mark.

Unlike their enemies, they can teleport rather easily.

They can also open portals in the mirrors to take people into their world.

They can leave the mirrors whenever they want and roam around freely.

They can also manipulate others to do their bidding (like Mark forced Oliver to kill others for him). With proper training, they can do this already at a very young age (Mark was 9 when he was taken into the Under Mirror World and when he learned to use this ability).

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