(Tommy x Nikki x Vince)

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Authors Note

          This story does contain
smut ofc because I can't go 5 seconds without writing a smut story so enjoy.


It was around 2:35am when Tommy heard thunder and then Nikki get up from his bunk since Mick and Vince made them have bunk beds because after all they were the terror twins. "What's wrong Sixx" Tommy said startled by Nikki frantically moving, "Nothing go back to sleep" a tired but worried Nikki said. "Well I can't sleep knowing you're awake and obviously something has upset you so just tell me pleaseee" Tommy said sitting up on the top bunk looking down at Nikki with puppy eyes he saw Nikki sitting on the ground who was looking out the window checking the weather. "No I said I'm fine now go too bed its past your bed time" Nikki said looking up at Tommy with a stern look. "B-But Nikki I..can't sleep knowing you are awake...oh and I don't have a bed time, I'm fucking 20" Tommy said starting to tear up and stuttering as he sniffled. Nikki heard him start to cry and he jumped up immediately "I'm so sorry T-bone I have no idea what has gotten into me." Tommy looked up from his pillow and hugged Nikki tightly "I don't know what has gotten into all of us I mean hell look at Mick and Vince were all so rude to each other why can't we ever just have fun anymore" Tommy said calming down still holding onto Nikki.

*SHATTER* Nikki and Tommy heard a slam come from the kitchen they jumped up and ran out of their room. "WHAT THE FUCK VINCE" Tommy yelled as he saw a little blood and broken glass, "I didn't do it I swear it fell and hit my finger...and..Ow fuck it hurts." Vince said trying to be tuff but fixing to cry "I'm sorry for getting mad at you I swear I thought you were hitting or breaking things on purpose" Tommy said after feeling bad for yelling at Vince. After picking up the broken glass and cleaning Vince's cut finger they headed to bed, "uh can I maybe sleep with y'all I'm not a big fan of storms...this sounds stupid but I can't sleep unless I'm cuddling with someone or something" Vince said sounding embarrassed. The two boys looked at Vince with a grin and they motioned their head to the room for him to follow.

They get in the room and Vince lays in Nikki's bunk while the two terror twins lay in Tommy's bunk. Tommy finally goes to sleep or so Nikki thinks, he looks over and see's Tommy asleep facing the wall drooling on his pillow, Nikki can't help but giggle he looks down and see's a tired but not sleeping Vince. Nikki slowly climbs down the ladder and peeks down at him through the ladder "Why ain't you asleep" Nikki asks Vince which in his reply he says "I can't sleep when it's thundering outside" so Nikki lays with Vince which he is very shocked of Nikki's actions.

"So whats up sixxter why are you still up" Vince says shocked "Oh uhm nothing I was just getting a little uncomfortable being squished with that bony little thing up there" Nikki said laughing quietly. "Oh so you just decided to come down here and cuddle up to me" Vince said smirking sarcastically, Nikki looked at Vince and smirked back he then put his arm around Vince's bare chest and laid down Nikki smiled and said "does this help you feel better or maybe this" Nikki began to rub Vince's thigh up and down softly, Vince let out a small gasp.

"Oh do you like that baby boy" Nikki looked at him with his signature smirk, Vince looked at him and covered his mouth with a stunned look of what noise had just come out of his mouth. "I..uhm..Nikki we can't do this" Vince said sounding concerned. "And why is that Vinny" Nikki said looking at him with his same smirk as last time. "Uh well let's see because Tommy is literally right above us and this bunk bed isn't that big he would hear everything" Vince said giggling quietly.

Nikki looked at vince with a grin "I don't care you're just gonna have to be quiet" Vince looked at Nikki and said "fine but can you handle it being rough" Nikki looked at him "honey you know I love it rough don't test me". While all of this is going on little does Nikki and Vince know Tommy was awake and listening in on their conversation. All the sudden Nikki felt the top bunk move and next thing they know Tommy is staring at them with a smirk. He slowly walks toward them and sits on the bottom bunk beside Vince "so what are y'all two up to" Tommy asks with a grin" uh..nothing we were just talking about.." Tommy stopped Nikki from saying anything else and said "about what fucking each other right underneath me hm"

"T-bone we were just talking and laying next to each other we weren't doing anything else" Vince said looking at Nikki with a slight smirk. "Uh huh then why do I recall hearing you say, well let's see because Tommy is literally right above us and this bunk bed isn't that big he would hear everything" Tommy said with a sarcastic look. "fine..T we were talking about that but we were joking OK" Nikki said trying to get Tommy to leave them alone. "If y'all are going to fuck atleast let me join" Tommy mumbled under his breath after climbing up the ladder back to his bunk. Vince heard and said "wait..what T-bone" Tommy replied with a "yep would be fun I bet but never-mind y'all ain't fucking remember" Tommy said smirking to himself knowing he was winning them over. "Ughh fine we were going to but you were asleep so we didn't want to wake you" Vince said while laughing.

Tommy climbed back down and sat next to Nikki who was against the wall "so you wanna finish y'all's little plan up" Tommy asked "you bet" Vince said before Nikki could get a word out. Tommy then reached his hand over Nikki's stomach and began kissing him Vince looked over and said "hey let me get in on some" Tommy and Nikki giggled Tommy stop kissing and let vince take over Tommy began palming Nikki feeling him get harder as every second went by. "Mmmm...Tommy..please suck me off I'm begging" Nikki said trying to get his words out. "Patients my love" Tommy said as he leaned down tucking his thumb under the waistband of Nikki's pants.
Vince then started palming himself while still making out with Nikki, Tommy pulled Nikki's pants down and held his hard member in his hand while licking it like a kitten, then going down till Nikki's tip hit the back of his throat.

"Oh..fuck Tommy" Nikki let out after a just a few seconds of Tommy bobbing his head. Vince looked down and then back up at Nikki and a said "hey sixter you wanna do that to me" Nikki looked at him and smiled. Nikki turned his body to where he could lean down and suck vince if while Tommy is sucking him off.
Nikki pulled Vince's pants off and started bobbing his head vince let out stifled moans but it didn't work he was a moaning mess saying things like "oh fuck Nikki and you feel so good" after a few minutes of them sucking each other off Tommy stood up and took his pants off then motioning to boys to get on the floor.

Vince was laying on the ground and Nikki was on all fours while Tommy was behind him. Nikki began sucking Vince off again and Tommy bent down to prep Nikki "oh fuck Tommy that..feels so good" Nikki said as Tommy licked his tight hole.
Vince grabbed some of Nikki's hair while he was bobbing his head, Vince started thrusting in his throat grunting and moaning every time he hit the back of his throat making Nikki gag but he loved the sound of it after asking "are you good"
Tommy learned down and asked Nikki if he was ready Nikki shook his head yes and Tommy lined himself up and slowly slid himself in Nikki let out the loudest moan he's ever heard "OH FUCK TOMMY" this turned Vince on even more "oh fuck Nikki your so t..tight"
After speeding his thrusts up Tommy could feel Nikki reaching his climax "oh T..Tommy I'm gonna..cum" Nikki said and Tommy responded "I know baby I am too" Tommy and Nikki both reached their climax one after another after a few more thrusts. Vince started getting shaky and came all down Nikki's throat and Nikki swallowed every bit of it like a pro. "Oh fuck guys that was so hot" Tommy said after they all put their clothes back on and laid down gathering their breathes again, "I love y'all so much goodnight."
Sorry this was so long I got carried away but yeah.. this sounds so bad to me but maybe there is someone out there who likes it lol.

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