(Nikki X Tommy)

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Nikki and Tommy had always been best friends ever since they met and formed Motley Crue. They shared everything together - their love for music, their dreams, and even their deepest secrets. But one secret they had kept hidden from everyone, including each other, was their true feelings for one another. Nikki and Tommy were both straight or so they and everyone else thought until one night when Nikki had stayed in Tommy's room and they cuddled each other Nikki felt like it was meant to be right then and there and Tommy liked it too, but they were afraid to admit that they were beginning to like each other.

One day, while the band was rehearsing for their upcoming tour, Nikki and Tommy found themselves alone in the dressing room. The tension between them was palpable, and Nikki couldn't take it any longer so he got the balls to say how he felt.
"Hey T-bone..I..uhm need to tell you something" Sixx said as began to sweat and Tommy noticed and put his hand on Nikki's shoulder "hey..Sixx calm down..whatever it is you can tell me."
Nikki started to blush but Tommy couldn't see since his face was hiding behind his hair now. "Tommy...I think I..like you!"

Tommy looked shocked and said "Wait..so you 'like like' me or just like?" Nikki smiled "Tommy..I love you!" Tommy smiled and hugged Nikki. "I love you too and honestly I have for a while now!" Nikki started blushing more this time Tommy could see his face, "your so cute when your flustered" Nikki giggled "hey I'm not cute..I'm handsome!" They both started laughing and then it got quiet, they were now just sitting in silence staring at each other. Faces only inches apart and before they knew it, they were kissing passionately. Little did they know, that they forgot to lock the door because Vince was now in the room and staring at them in a compromising position.

Vince clears his throat "WHAT THE HELL ARE YALL DOING!" They both jumped back and without getting a chance to say a word, Vince stormed out of the room leaving Nikki and Tommy speechless, not knowing how to explain themselves. They had never intended for anyone to find out about their relationship, especially not their bandmate.

The next day, Vince called for an emergency band meeting. Him and Mick confronted Nikki and Tommy about what the Vince saw and they demanded an explanation. "We were just..ughh nevermind T-bone you tell them" Nikki said covering his face. "Guys we were just expressing our feeling for each other..for a while now we've had a crush on each other and..we didn't want y'all to find out like this especially Vince.

The two bandmates finally came clean about their feelings for each other, Mick and Vince were taken aback. They had always supported and encouraged them to be themselves, but they never expected them to be in a romantic relationship.

At first, Vince was hesitant about how this would affect the band's image and their upcoming tour. But after seeing how much in love Nikki and Tommy were, he couldn't bring himself to stand in their way. In fact, he even helped them come up with a plan to come out to their fans and the media.

The news of Nikki and Tommy being in a relationship spread like wildfire and received mixed reactions from their fans.
(A few weeks later)
Tommy runs into the studio holding a magazine "dudes look what they are saying about us!" Tommy said freaking out. Nikki and Vince look at the papers it read 'Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx are officially in a gay relationship, statements say that Motley Crue is beginning to fall apart'. They all look at each other and Mick stands up walking over to Tommy and comforting him.

Nikki says "But the band has stood strong together, and our music became even more powerful with the message of love and acceptance why can't they see that gay being isn't a problem!" He starts to tear up, Mick and Vince look at each other. Vince says "you guys can't blame yourself because of these dumbass Tabloids and stupid rumors!"

Nikki and Tommy sit by each other on the couch "Tommy I love you so much baby" Nikki says comforting him and Tommy cuddles up to Nikki "I love you too sixx" mick and Vince look at them and say "see you guys just because they don't like this doesn't mean y'all can't be happy!"

They smile and in the end, Nikki and Tommy's love for each other not only strengthened their relationship but also brought their band closer together. And as they took the stage on their tour, they knew that they were not only making music, but also making a statement about love and equality. Nikki grabs the mic and puts his arm around Tommy "HEY FUCKERS!"

The crowd goes loud and then Tommy says into the mic "YOU MOTHER FUCKERS READY FOR SOME NEWS!" Everyone said yes "ok well since y'all know we have been dating for some time now, I was wanting to make sure everyone was here to see this!" Tommy got on one knee and proposed to Nikki. "Will you marry me Sixx?" He looked shocked and began to cry "YES YES YES a million times YES!" The crowd went wild and from that night on, Tommy and Nikki are still living happily ever after and doing the thing they love the most with the people they love.


I mean look at them they look like the cutest couple

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I mean look at them they look like the cutest couple..anyways love y'all :)

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