Chapter 5 Proposition

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Today it was a beautiful day in Japan, things were quiet and a bit too quiet. Spider-Man was confused as to why it was so quiet today, he had Web Swinged around the whole whole city but everything was unharmed. He wasn't only worried about the city but he was worried about Momo Because she was out of town and she wouldn't be back until 2 months which made him worry because what if she was seeing someone else, he knew it couldn't handle another break up without giving up being Spider-Man. He sighed but then heard his phone ringing, he then pulled out his phone which he kept in the side of his shoes or socks like people called them and saw that it said "Best Aunt in the world" and answered as he kept sitting on top of the Oscorp building.

Spider-Man: Hey Aunt Nem

Nemuri: Hey Izuku, How are things going at your job?

Spider-Man: Things are going great, just a little busy

Nemuri: Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called. Now I feel bad because you might get far behind

Spider-Man: It's ok Aunt Nem I promise, I'm on my break anyways so anything you need while I'm out?

Nemuri: Yes, I was wondering if you could get some Eggs while your out please

Spider-Man: Yeah of course Nem, I'll get some eggs while I'm out

Nemuri: Thank you so much Izuku, your like the son I never had

Nemuri then ended the call as Spider-Man put his phone back where he Always kept it and couldn't stop thinking about what Momo might be doing so he then got the idea to Web Swing to where she was but heard someone land behind him. He then looked behind him to see someone in a purple suit that had a little green and black to it.

 He then looked behind him to see someone in a purple suit that had a little green and black to it

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Spider-Man: I'm sorry have we met before? because you look familiar

Prowler: We haven't met in person but I've been watching you from afar

Spider-Man: That sounds weird and creepy, that sounds like something a Predator or pedophile would do

Prowler: I'm neither of those, I am someone who does jobs my boss gives me so I complete them

Spider-Man: Taskmaster?

Prowler: No, I am The Prowler

Spider-Man: OH!

Prowler: What that supposed to mean?

Spider-Man: So your the guy who showed up at my 8th birthday party screaming Weiner! I can't believe you actually found me

Prowler: I don't even know where you live! Look can you just focus!?

Spider-Man: Yeah of course, sorry I was just trying to make a few jokes and puns

Prowler: I am here to help you, Kingpin which you know him as Fisk wants me to kill you

Spider-Man: Take your best shot

Prowler: Shut up! I'm not going to kill you because my nephew looks up to you! If I were to kill him then all his hopes and dreams would be ruined!

Spider-Man: Oh

Prowler: Look what I'm trying to say is that if you help me get what I need I'll help you get Fisks location in return

Spider-Man: I'll think about it, right now I have somewhere to be

Prowler: And where's that?

Spider-Man: It's out of town but if you could tell me where I can find a place called Dancing Dawn and Politician Phil's office it would be alot of help

Prowler: You do know that both of those places are in town right?

Spider-Man: How? My girlfriend said both of those places was out of town which is why she would be out of town and won't be back till 2 months

Prowler: Clearly she takes you for a fool because both of those things are only in town

Spider-Man: Dammit

Spider-Man then immediately jumped off the building and started Web Swinging towards a Hotel called "Dawns Rest" and started crawling on the side until he reached room window number 410, As soon as he looked through it he saw Momo sitting on the bed asleep with her glasses on and a book opened on her lap. Spider-Man then realized he was over thinking and immediately crawled up to the roof and sat down as Prowler was standing behind him looking at the city view.

Prowler: I've got a proposition for you

Spider-Man: Yeah?

Prowler: If you help me find where Felicia Hardy is then I might can help you find Fisk and the Sinister six

Spider-Man: Why do you need Black Cat?

Prowler: I need to bring her to Fisk

Spider-Man: I won't rat out a friend

Prowler: You Idiot, if you help me find her then that means you can follow me to Fisks Hideout

Spider-Man: You got yourself a deal but only if you stay away when I look for her

Prowler: Deal

Prowler then jumped off the building disappearing as Spider-Man then felt someone touch his back with two fingers and trail them up to his abs, Spider-Man knew who it was and wasn't surprised.

Black Cat: You haven't changed at all Spider~

Spider-Man: We all change at one point but how did you find me?

Black Cat: I was around Robbing a few galleries when I saw you standing here

Spider-Man: Could have guessed that, What do you want?

Black Cat: Well you could either give me the long leg or help me find something~

Spider-Man: Ok first off I'm in a relationship and second off what do you need help finding?

Black Cat: Fisk

Spider-Man: I won't be able to find him until I bring you to The Prowler, once I don't hate I'll follow him and you then me ans you can take down Fisk together

Black Cat: I prefer to do it alone

Spider-Man: Too bad because its either we work together or I take him down myself and you go to jail with him

Black Cat: I'll think about it but I will be back for your number

Black Cat then jumped off Backwards off the edge and started using he gymnastics and acrobatics to get across the city, Spider-Man then sighed as he realized he had to get some eggs before heading home. He then jumped off the building and landed Infront of the store walking then grabbing some eggs, as soon as he was about to pay he then saw who the cashier was and regretted walking in as Spider-Man. He sighed then paid for the eggs and left, as he was swinging he couldn't believe that Katsuki was the cashier. As soon as Spider-Man got home quickly changed into his normal clothes and put his Spider-Man suit in his back as he walked into the house and saw that Nemuri was asleep on the couch, he smiled then placed the eggs in the fridge before walking up the stairs and into his room laying down. After a few minutes he fell asleep but didn't realize that a certain someone followed him home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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