Chapter 3 Poser

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Spider-Man was sitting on top of a building looking at the view, it was a Peaceful beautiful day and he couldn't remember the last time it was like this. He then heard his Phone ringing and took it out from a tiny pocket on his thigh and saw it was Momo because he had her name as "My Universe❤️🖤❤️🖤", he then answered and heard Momo laughing a little.

Spider-Man: What's so funny?

Momo: Nothing just the fact someone is pretending to be you while acting like they are stopping a real crime

Spider-Man: How come I didn't know anything about this?

Momo: Because I didn't want any fangirls trying to get your number or take you on a date

Spider-Man: Seems like someone's jealous

Momo: Seems like someone wants to sleep on the couch tonight

Spider-Man: Ok ok fine, I'll go stop the crime and I'll reject the ladies. I was only joking

Momo: I know but it's so cute when you stand up to me

Spider-Man then ended the call as he jumped off the building and started Web Swinging towards where the crime was, when he got there he landed behind the Poser who was just Ochaco in her Spider woman suit pretending to be him. The criminals started to run away but were webbed to the walls by a gadget he liked to call "The Web Trap", Everyone started cheering as Ochaco thought they were cheering for her. They then started chanting Spider-Man as Spider-Man walked over to the railing and waved at them, Ochaco immediately felt hurt.

Spider-Man: Hello Japan! How is everyone today?

Everyone: Amazing!!!

Spider-Man: Now that's what I like to hear

Everyone: Can we have autographs please!?

Spider-Man: Yeah of course, I'll just need all of you to form a line while I get a table set up

Ochaco: I should be giving them the autographs since I stopped the crime!

Spider-Man: You didn't do anything except pretend, their lives were at stake and you just pretended to beat of the criminals. Stay out of my way and leave it to people who have Powers otherwise you will end up dead

Ochaco then walked away feeling crushed inside, Meanwhile Spider-Man sat at the table signing autographs and taking pictures with people for half of the day until there was no one left except a little boy and his mom.

Susan: Hi my name is Susan and this is my son Jack, your probably busy but I was wondering if he could get your autograph and a picture with you?

Spider-Man: Yeah of course he can

Spider-Man then signed his autograph on the little boys Spider-Man plushie and his glasses on the side, the mom then took a picture of her son and Spider-Man of them both doing a pose where Spider-Man was crouched down pretending to shoot webs. He then waved goodbye to them both as his Spidey-Sense went off and he immediately looked at the top of the Oscorp building to see someone about to jump off, he Immediately started Web Swinging as fast as he could to grab the person when he got closer he stopped because he saw the person hovering down using there powers. He saw that it was just Momo who looked at him.

Momo: You ok? You seemed spooked

Spider-Man: I'm gonna get I feel stupid

Spider-Man then went back to Web Swinging as he landed on top of a building and sat down taking his mask off, he sighed and balled himself for being so stupid.

Izuku: I'm am so freaking stupid, how did I forget she has Powers!? I'm such an idiot for doing that, I'm not Spider-Man. I'm more like Idiot-Man, way to go Dude she thinks your an idiot or worse a loser. Great My girlfriend probably hates me now, Uraraka is pretending to be Spider-Woman but in other terms me and I'll never fit in no matter what but tomorrow is Graduation day so things should be better or worse but I hope better

Izuku then sensed something Infront of him and looked to see that it was Momo looking at him with that "Seriously?" Expression, Izuku chuckled nervously and waved at her. Momo then moved over and sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around her holding her close, Momo sighed a little.

Izuku: Is everything ok?

Momo: No nothings ok, you were saying bad things about yourself and I don't like how you don't respect who you are. I would never hate you and I don't think you are any of those things, I am happy you got there as fast as you could because I was testing you to see how much you really care and you care Alot. Sure you forgot I had powers but you still ended up getting their as fast you could and that's all that matters

Izuku: You think so?

Momo: I know so and Hey tomorrow is Graduation Day so no more school unless you go to college, I'm not going to college since I have a job at Oscorp. What about you?

Izuku: I mean I've never been the type for love school so I'll stick to being Spider-Man

Momo: Wise choice but remember, you have to be there tomorrow on time

Izuku: Don't worry I will be

Momo: Izuku

Izuku: Ok fine I might be a little behind tomorrow but I'll get there on time I promise besides I need a new suit because this one is about to rip to pieces

Momo: I figured you would say that which is why you've got a new one at my house

Izuku: Momo I appreciate it but you didn't have to-

Momo: I know but I really wanted to do something nice for my handsome Hero, plus I was wondering if I could watch how much you do your spider work since I'm thinking about taking up as a Hero as a side job

Izuku: That's interesting, Have a Hero name yet?

Momo: I was thinking maybe Scarlett Witch because it would match my Powers plus I have a suit already made

Izuku: That is amazing

Momo: Amazing really isn't my thing it's yours, mine is more so fabulous

Izuku: Yeah your right

Izuku smiled as him and Momo sat on top of the building for a few more minutes until they went back to her house, Meanwhile a mysterious figure watched Izuku and Momo left.

???: Enjoy the fun while you can Spider-Man because it will be the as soon as Electro is defeated, I will be the new leader of the Sinister six real soon

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