The day I meet him

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We walked into the store and went in the back downstairs. We turned on the lights and set up all our equipment. Ryan goes to his drum set, Lizzy goes to her microphone,  I go to my microphone and hook my guitar to a cord and Ben just watches.
Were not really a band Ryan says
How are we not? I ask
We play others peoples songs Lizzy says
Well next pratice we should come up with ways to make our own songs i say but for now lets sing......still into by Paramore
Alright Ryan says
We start to play the song. After the song ends we play Our truth by lacuna coil. After we play all the songs we  take a break and chill. We all sit down and talk.

That was a good pratice I say
Yeah I think the addicted lab rats are getting better Lizzy says
I think thats enough for today Ryan says
Yeah but we need to find a bass guitarist I say
I know Lizzy says
I take my sweater off and wrap it around my waist.
Nice Soundgarden shirt Ben says
Thanks I say
I get up and unhook my guitar and head upstairs
Hey where are you going? Lizzy says
More cd's and maybe some records I say
Oh ok she says
I go upstairs and look in the old rock section and see a white strips cd. I go reach to grab it, but I feel someone else's hand touch mine. I jerk my hand back and see who it is. I look up and see a guy with black hair and ocean blue eyes, he is a little bit taller than me, and he is really fit. We stare at each other for a little bit until be breaks the silent's.
Oh-umm sorry here he says handing me the cd
Ohh no its ok you can have it, i have a bunch of their cd's anyway i explain
Thanks he says
You welcome i say
I see you like soundgarden he says pointing at my shirt
I look down at my shirt.
Oh yeah i say there music is cool
Yeah he says
I look down and blush like crazy.
So i'm Dylan...dylan sprayberry he says holding out his hand
I look up and shake it.
Allison mcpherson i say
He looks down at my guitar.
Hey you play guitar? He ask
Yeah i play electric guitar as you can see i say
Cool i play bass guitar he says
Great! I say excited
He furrows his eyebrows and looks confused.
Oh sorry its just that me and my friends have a band and were kind of looking for a bass guitarist i explain
Oh cool that would be awesome he says
So you want to join....i mean i'm not trying to rush you or anything-i say before he cuts me off
No its ok that would be cool he says
Oh ok i say i never seen you here,are you new here?
Yeah me and my family just moved here last night and i heard of this store so i rushed over here to check it out he explains
Cool i say i work here
Cool,so you want to look for some cd's he says i mean you don't have to
No i want to i say smiling
Cool he says smiling
We browse thru the old rock section and see soundgarden.
Here i say handing it to him
Thanks i dont have this cd yet he says smiling
I smile back and continue browsing.
So umm what other bands do you like? he ask
Umm i say looking at the cd's i like green day, lacuna coil, led zepplin and a lot others
Cool he says
Do you always say cool i say laughing a bit
He laughs too.
Sorry he says
No i think its cute i say browsing then stopping and looking down
I see him looking down blushing
Oh sorry i say looking down
Its ok he says
Hey look i say grabbing a led zepplin cd and handing it to him
Wow he says i don't have this cd either
Really i say surprised
No he says
Allison whats taking so long- Lizzy says before seeing us
We both turn around and look at Lizzy.
Oh sorry Lizzy says smiling
Dylan turned back around and looked at me. I look at Lizzy again and she gives me a thumbs up. I roll my eyes and look back at Dylan. He grabs pearl jam record.
Thats a good band i say
I know he says smiling
I smile back and we go to the cash register. When Ben isn't working Liam works at the register.
Hey Liam i say handing him my cd's
Hey Allison he says
I got this dylan says taking my cd's and his
Oh no i can pay for it i say
No i will pay he says smiling
Thanks i say smiling back
He pays for my stuff and hands me my bag.
That was fun he says
Yeah i say looking down blushing
So i have to go he says looking out the window and seeing a car drive up
Oh it was nice meeting you i say
Maybe we could text sometimes he says blushing and pulling out his phone
Sure i say pulling out my phone
We exchanged numbers and he left. I went back downstairs and they started clapping. I look at them confused.
I heard you talking to that guy Ryan says raising his eyebrows up and down
Oh shut up i say blushing
You like him Lizzy says running up to me and pinching my cheeks
I slap her hands off my face and grab my stuff.
He also plays bass i say
Great Ben says
I know i say he might be able to do it
Cool Ryan says
Alright come on guys lets grab a bite to eat i say
We go upstairs and go to Ryan's van and he starts driving.
So what do you guys want to eat? Ryan says
Mcdonalds fries i say
Mcdonalds it is Ryan says
We head to mcdonalds and grab some food. After we eat we all go home.

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