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"The last location of Win was near a forest few meters away from your house" Dew said while going through his laptop. Bright was running towards the last location of Win. "WIN" he called out but no response. Win's phone was turned off now and he didn't know where and how Win was.

Bright was tearing up. He grabbed his hair in frustration. "Fuck" he cursed out loud. He decided to go back and report it to the police when he saw something near the dust bin. He knelt down and picked it up. It was Win's locket which Bright had gifted him on their wedding day. Bright's eyes started tearing away and he held the locket close to his chest whispering Win's name.

"Don't worry Win I'm gonna find you. Just hang in there baby"

Win tried opening his eyes but due to the pain he felt on his head, he hissed. He was lying on the floor but the room was too dark to figure out where he was. Win could feel blood gushing on his face. He tried siting up but he had no energy left.

His eyes widened when he heard footsteps coming towards him. The door opened wide, making light enter the dark room. Win flinched a little and stared in horror at the person standing in front of him. "You're finally awake baby"

"Why did you abduct me? Who are you? Let me go please" Win cried. The person in front of him just laughed frantically in response. "Why would i bring you here if I wanted to let you go so easily? Let me have some fun first then I'll think about letting you go" with that he started walking closer towards Win.

Win slided backwards trying to get as far as possible from his abductor. "Please stop" Win started sobbing and trembling. The man knelt down and touched Win's swollen eyes. That was when Win saw his kidnappers face.


Bright was banging on the door of Mr.opas iamkajorn's Mansion. Soon the door opened and revealed Win's mother who was full of bruises all over her body. "Mom what happened to you? Did Mr.opas iamkajorn hit you again?" Bright asked in his softest voice. She shrugged it off saying she fell in the bathroom.

"Do you know where Win is?"

"What do you mean Bright? Isn't Win home?"

"I'm afraid Mr.opas iamkajorn did something to Win. I need to speak to Mr.opas iamkajorn now.."

Win's mom was crying at this point thinking where her son must be and what might have her husband done to Win. "Please save my angel Bright.. I've been stuck with his father for so long, enduring his torture but I don't want Win to go through the pain I felt. Please save Win" She begged Bright while holding his hands firmly.

Bright got inside his car, ready to go to the police station when suddenly his phone rang. "Hello Bright I found Win's location. His phone was active a few minutes ago but got turned off right away" Dew said.

Bright released a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you Dew. Tell me his location I'll go find him"

"Bright I found his location but there's something weird about it"Dew said staring at his laptop

"What's wrong Dew"

"According to the phone tracking device, Win is in his own house, in the opas iamkajorn Mansion" Bright's eyes widened and a sense of fear creeped inside him. He got off his car and headed towards opas iamkajorn Mansion again. "Win I'll come for you"

Win Pov
"Win" I heard someone shout my name. Although I wanted to call back but I didn't have enough energy to even open my eyes. Suddenly I heard the door open again, then I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Win angel are you okay" I recognized that voice, it was papa. I forcefully opened my eyes and I saw papa looking at me. "Papa" I cried and he ran towards me. With the little strength I had, I hugged him tightly and tears started falling off within seconds.

Papa slowly stroked my back in a soothing manner. "It's okay angel I'm here now. Don't worry"

"Papa.....Gulf......he....brought me..." I tired telling him but words couldn't come out well from my mouth. Papa shushed me still hugging me. "Papa Where's Bright? I want to see him" I faced papa but his expression changed the minute I mentioned Bright.

"What's wrong papa?"

"Bright is the one who kidnapped and caused you pain and yet you still think of him?"

"What? No papa that's not TRUE. Gulf abducted me and he tried to abuse me and Bright would never hurt me. He loves me papa"

"Gulf? He is in New York Win.. Bright was the one who made you cry and caused you pain. He's not a good person. Angel Stay with mommy and papa, we'll keep you safe. I promise I'll take good care of you. And divorce that Bright, He's just trying to get money from you"

I was in rage by now. How could papa say something like that. I can't believe him no, I don't want to believe him. Bright would never do something like that. "Papa you've got it wrong. Bright loves me more than anything and I don't think he will do something to hurt me just to get money. He is my husband and I choose to trust him."

I stood up, avoiding papa's graze. "Bright is bad news Win. He can't keep you happy." He said in a stern voice. I took a step back when I saw him furious. "You're telling me this? After you cheated on mom with my own best friend?! You know what, Bright isn't threat to me.... you are. I'm going to see Bright" suddenly a hand grabbed me on my arm and pushed me on the floor.

"I didn't want to do this angel but you left me no choice" I groaned in pain. This wasn't the papa I was used to seeing. He scared me for the first time in my life. Before I could say anything, I felt a heavy object bang on my head and I blacked out.

"Win baby wake up please" I heard him, this time I was right... it was Bright.

"Bright" I called out his name and he immediately held me close. I recognized his smell. "I'm sorry I was late baby. I'm sorry" that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out again.

To be continued^^

I'm not crying 🤧 Bright finally found his husband and I hope they don't face any problems now... how was this chapter guys? It was a bit longer than the other chapters
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