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^^A short chapter since I didn't have any work... enjoyyyy^^

<After two months>

Bright Pov ☀️
Over these past few days, Win and I have been bonding well. He is trying to get to know me and keep our relationship on the healthier side. I feel like I'm getting back my old Win.

He has started painting again. Win starts his day by cooking us breakfast and then painting the whole day. He even applied to get back in art school. I'm so happy that his passion for painting is back. Our room is filled with his paintings.

I'm currently in bed tossing and turning but when I lean over to the other side, I don't feel Win beside me. I opened my eyes and looked everywhere but couldn't find him in the room. I put on a sleeveless shirt and run down to the main hall. Where I released a sigh of relief. I saw Win painting with his headphones on.

I leaned on the side of the door, quietly admiring my baby. After a minute or two he saw me and smiled. "Aow Bright how long have you been standing here?" I walked towards him and pecked his cheeks softly making him blush. "Good morning baby" I said stroking his head.

I went in the kitchen and got Win coffee since he seemed so focused on his painting. When I came back from the kitchen, I stood behind him trying to see what he was actually painting. But what I saw stunned me... 

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Win turned around and saw Bright in total shock. "Aow why are you standing there like you saw a ghost? Can you even hear what I'm saying" he waved his hands in front of Bright trying to gain attention.

"Win you.... you made a painting of me"

Win blushed and nodded shyly looking away from Bright. "Um I thought I should maybe paint you since I was bored you see. I hope you don't mind"

Bright walked towards Win, leaned up close to Win and kissed his forehead. "Baby you don't know how much this means to me." Win giggled while Bright kissed his cheeks. "Bright close your eyes"

"Huh? Why"

"Just close it for me please" How could he even say no to such a cutie. Bright smiled and closed his eyes and was probably expecting a peck from his husband. But Win got another idea. He slowly touched Bright's face, pinching his cheeks a little. "Ouch baby that hurts" Win giggled and said sorry.

Then his hands started roaming around Bright's neck coming down to his abs and touching his shoulders. Bright was in heaven, feeling his wife touch his body was what he missed. He was feeling his member raising when suddenly Win stopped, and took his paint brush and put the paint on Bright's nose. "Aow Winnnnn" he opened his eyes and saw Win running away giggling cutely.

Bright chuckled and started chasing after Win. The whole house was filled with laughter. Win ran here and there when ultimately Bright caught him and hugged him tightly, rubbing his nose at Win's face. "Bright stopppppp" he said giggling.

Both of them were laughing away when suddenly they heard a knock on the door. "I'll go get the door" Win said and Bright let him go. He could hear the knocking on the door getting louder. "Yea yea I'm coming." He said while turning the Knob of the door.


Brightwin sat down on the couch with Win's mom sitting opposite to them. Win handed his mom a cup of coffee. Win was anxious and had started to shiver. Bright noticed it and so he took Win's hand in his and smiled warmly at his anxious husband.

"Mom why are you here suddenly. Did something happen?!" Win asked trying hard not to stutter. "I just missed my son. I hope you're doing well angel. Ooh and I made you Khao phat your favorite."

"Umm I missed you too mom. Thank you for the food. Will you stay to eat lunch with us?"

"Oh sorry angel but I need to go somewhere. Your papa was asking about you Win"

"So that's why you're here aren't you? Mom I'm sick of this. How long are you going to pretend like everything is normal.. seriously mom" He stood up and grabbed his hair in frustration. Bright held him down and whispered calm down in his ears.

"Win I *sobs* I-"

"Mom just leave.. I don't think I'll be able to hold on to my anger any longer."

Win's mom glanced at his son one last time before whispering "take care of Win for me" to Bright. He smiled and nodded back to his mother-in-law. She wiped her tears and went out of the door.

As soon as the door was shut, Win broke down in tears falling on the floor. Bright hugged his lover tightly, rubbing his back in a circular motion. "It's okay baby.. I'm here" he whispered in Win's ears. Win cried his heart out and eventually fell asleep on Bright's arms due to exhaustion.

*at Opas iamkajorn Mansion*

"Where's Win? Didn't I send you to bring him back?" Mr.opas iamkajorn shouted at his wife throwing the expensive vase at the wall.

"I...I tired b..but he_" She was cut off by her husband slapping her. "YOU CAN'T EVEN DO ONE THING RIGHT!! Now you just sit here, I'll bring Win back.." He had an evil smirk on his face.

To be continued ^^

Win's father is a bitch.. there I said it 😠
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Thank you for reading and keep supporting BrightWin 🩶

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